the tourism sector is facing a problem of poaching where animals are
illegally killed by poachers. This has reduced the number of animals in
the parks hence reducing the number of safaris in Uganda. The laws set against
poaching have failed to work out because the law was just simple arrest
for some years or fine. However poachers pay money, get released and
after practice the act again hence reducing the number of Uganda visits.
The tour operators together with the Uganda
Tourism Board are urging that saying that the poachers must be given a
life imprisonment punishment so as to stop poaching and increase the
number of tourists coming for tours in Uganda.
This is because it will teach other poachers a lesson and they will
fear to practice the act. This will help reduce poaching and as a result
increase more visits in Uganda. This will therefore help boost the tourism sector and also make Uganda a tourist destination.
Prime Uganda Safaris & Tours Ltd.