Thursday, 22 October 2015

The sabiny culture day set

sabiny cultural dayThe Sabiny is among the diverse cultures of Uganda that accrue from the count of 65 tribal groups forming a ground for the lucrative cultural safaris in Uganda. Coming as the second of its kind, the Sabiny Culture Festival will run from 11th – 14th November 2015.
The Event’s Organizing Committee Chairperson Mr. Kalifani Chemutai acknowledges the occurrence of the event and notes that even the head state has been invited along with the Deputy President of Kenya William Ruto. The Sabiny Cultural Festival aims at showcasing the culture of the Sabiny people in the east of Uganda whose traditions are impressive to encounter on Uganda safaris.
The festival brings together the participants from local and international scene that joins each other to jubilate the Sabiny culture and along with cross cultural interaction which makes it relevant even for the visitors on safari in Uganda.
This follows the similar event which was the first of its kind among the Sabiny held on the 29th December 2014 which showcased the norms and general culture of the Sabiny people conducted at Kakwai Sabiny cultural center in the district of Kapchorwa.
The Sabiny Culture is unique and less explored with the greatest number of people knowing the Sabiny for their Female Genital Mutilation. The Sabiny people present a rich, impressive and remarkable cultural values and customs. They are remarkably re-known hunters and keen farmers who do various things to improve their lives.
The Sabiny people used to practice the female genital mutilation in the past but the practice is gradually phasing out as it was considered inhuman. Their marathon competency has earned them recognition not only at the national level but also at International scale. They feature considerable food types along with their preparation, the Sabiny regalia, the impressive traditional medicine and their unique way of life.
The Sabiny has presented people of national significance including the Stephen Kiprotich an International gold medalist, the Stephen Chebrot Transport Minister in the Uganda government among other notables.
The forthcoming Sabiny Cultural Day which will be the second of its kind is anticipated to bring the best of the Sabiny allowing the locals and the visitors including those on safaris to Uganda to explore the Sabiny culture in detail.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

President Paul kagame honors the 11th gorilla naming ceremony

gorilla namingThe current president of Rwanda His Excellence Paul Kagame is credited for honoring the eleventh gorilla naming event that was conducted in the Rwanda gorilla safari haven of Volcanoes National Park amidst his busy schedule.
Held on Sept 5th 2015 at the Kinigi park headquarters in the district of Musaze where gorilla trekking in Rwanda starts from and running under the theme of "Conserving now and for the future", this 11th version of Kwita Izina Ceremony saw the count of 24 baby gorillas getting new names in attendance of a range of conservationists, the Rwanda gorilla safari undertakers, the local people and the President Kagame himself.
President Kagame in his remarks at the event acknowledged the efforts of the local people along with the partners towards the gorilla conservation initiative that have resulted into enormous increase in the mountain gorilla populations. He noted that the conservation efforts have ascertained that the initial beneficiaries of environmental protection are the natives and that the Rwandans ought to be themselves leading the development and working towards poverty alleviation. He acknowledged the Kwita Izina day as being about the local communities consolidating the gains that have accumulated from the resources.
It can be noted that tourism is very important in poverty alleviation. The initiatives like the tourism revenue sharing among the communities that are adjacent the park and mining areas have done considerably well and that the Rwandan government is still committed to their continuity and excellence noted President Kagame at the event. The 5% of the tourist revenue is given to the communities in order to allow them gain direct benefit from the surrounding resources. This initiative has registered success. It can be noted that since 2005, a sum of US$ 1.83 Million has been given out to the communities under the revenue sharing arrangement. This is gathered from the travelers that undertake safaris in Rwanda including Rwanda gorilla safaris. From the initiative, a count of fifty seven (57) primary schools were put in thirteen (13) districts throughout the country utilized by over 13,700 students. The revenue scheme has also managed to help 360 community projects that range from health centers, bridges, roads, water and sanitation, bee keeping and support to Small and Medium Enterprises.
The President disagrees with the notion that resources are a curse. He acknowledges that Poverty is the most significant curse. Since the Rwandese have lived the poverty, they do not need to be taught what it is and neither do the need to be alerted that development is good for they know. The Rwandese have got the courage to be leaders of their development and get themselves out of poverty. The President went ahead to note that the residents of Musaze need to work hard and utilize the available resources to get rid of poverty since Rwandese were by no means created to be poor.
The Kwita Izina ceremony of this year gathered about 30,000 people that included about 500 foreign visitors representing twenty six (26) countries. Besides the naming, the event featured the Kwita Izina Awards, Conservation forum, Business Exhibition and the Bisate Public Library launch in Kinigi
It is recorded that Volcanoes National Park supports 302 mountain gorillas which are about 35% of the world’s mountain gorilla population. Ten groups have been habituated for encounter by travelers on gorilla safari in Rwanda

Monday, 7 September 2015

24 baby gorillas named at the kwita izina ceremony in Rwanda

gorilla namingOn Saturday Sept 5th 2015, Rwanda undertook the naming of twenty four (24) baby gorillas on its famous Kwita Izina Ceremony that is conducted annually in the Volcanoes National Park the haven for gorilla trekking safaris in Rwanda.
The event which is considered as one of the highlights of Rwanda’s efforts to ensure the endangered animal protection which pull crowds of the foreign visitors to undertake safaris to Rwanda and in particular the Volcano forests where they thrive.
The young gorillas that are identified by the researchers and trackers thrived in their nearby wild habitat and not at the gorilla naming event that was held at Kinigi close to the entry point of Rwanda’s Volcanoes Park where gorilla safaris in Rwanda are conducted. The President Paul Kagame of Rwanda was among the thousands of people that gathered at event to jubilate the populations of the critically endangered mountain gorillas whose image decorates the range of sculptures in the destination Rwanda and also the Rwanda’s currency.
The government of Rwanda believes that the gorilla naming ceremony which was initiated in the year 2005 featuring the similar Rwandan traditions will mark the significance of mountain gorilla protection along with Rwanda safaris which are apparently the leading foreign exchange earner for Rwanda. The names given to the gorillas are used by the researchers in the gorilla identification along with their families while carrying out various studies in the wild.
The names that were given the baby gorillas featured great words of Courage, Power and Conviviality in the Kinyarwanda dialect. These names do not only give gorillas greater value in the country but also allows the citizens to rethink of themselves and renew their commitment towards Conservation and national transformation.
The mountain gorillas in Rwanda thrives in the Virunga Massif which is protected on the Rwandan side by the Volcanoes National Park adjoining the conservation areas of the neighboring countries including the Virunga National Park in Congo and Mgahinga National Park in Rwanda.
The mountain gorilla populations have been increasing overtime as a result of increased conservation efforts and the Virunga massif where the Volcanoes is located support a count of 480 mountain gorillas. It is from these, that Rwanda has habituated ten (10) gorilla families for the trekking encounter by the travelers on gorilla safari in Rwanda.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

The black and white colobus monkey

black and white monkeyThe Black and White colobus monkey is noted to be belonging to Colobinae Sub family and features four (4) various Species which include the Angolan colobus (Colobus angolensis), guereza (Colobus guereza), satanic black colobus (Colobus satanas) and Guinea forest black colobus (Colobus polykomos) and is spread in the tropical forests of Africa including Uganda where it is always encountered on Uganda safaris and tours.
They derive the name colobus from a Greek word that means docked. This is because they do not possess the thumb but just a small stub standing in the position where the thumb would be. It is a form of adaptation that allows the colobus monkeys to walk quadripedally on tip of the tree branches easily as can be seen on safari in Uganda
Besides the absence of the thumb, the colobus feature impressive fur spread in form of long white mantle, bushy tails, whiskers and the beard around the face. The Eastern black-and-white feature a distinct is U-shaped cape of white hair that runs from the shoulders to the lower back while the Angolan Colobus feature white hairs that flare out at the shoulders only. The colobus monkeys are 15 – 30lb in weight and up to 30 inches in length can thrive up to twenty (20) years in captivity with a gestation period of about six (6) months.
The Black and white colobus monkeys are noted to be herbivores Species that consume leaves, flowers, fruits and the twigs. It can be noted that the Colobus Monkeys feature the capacity to consume toxic foliage. The colobus monkeys are dominant leaf eaters and would take a lot of their time in the top of the trees preferring to consume young tender leaves that thrive there. Interestingly, the Black and White Colobus Monkeys feature complex stomachs that allow them to consume toxic or mature foliage that the other Monkeys can hardly take. The stomachs of Colobus Monkeys are similar to those of cows with 3 or 4 digestive regions where the upper region is bigger and differentiated from the lower acid region. The upper region which is sacculated and bacterial micro flora allows the monkeys to digest considerable amount of leafy material.
The Colobus Monkey is noted to be most arboreal of all African monkeys. The Colobus also rarely steps on ground as it keeps on jumping from one branch to the other and can leap up to 50 feet where they leap up and then drop down ward spreading with outstretched legs and arms to get hold of the next branch. It can be noted that their mantle hair and the tail operate as parachute in these long leaps.
The Colobus Monkeys are noted to be living in groups of five (5) – ten (10) animals comprising of a dominant male, a range of females along with their young ones. The every group has its own territory that is restricted from other groups. However, despite of this territorial nature, fighting for the mates hardly takes place.
The infants are taken care of by all members of the group. It can be noted that the Colobus Monkeys feature no distinct season for breeding though the mating always takes place in the wet season. The female colobus gives birth after twenty (20) months on the average. The newly born colobus features a pink face and the body is covered by white fur. The infant starts to change color at one month of age and gains the black and white coloration at around three (3) months. The infant is carried on the abdomen of the mother clinging to its fur. It spends much time playing with the mother and less to other adults as it grows up. It is always handled about 3 – 5 times in one hour during the resting groups. It start playing with other Juveniles at seven (7) months and the games include body exercising along with wrestling matches and the mock displays.
Regarding the habitat, the Black and white colobus can thrive in a range of habitats that range from primary to secondary deciduous forests, lowland swamp, the montane forest, gallery forest, moist savannah and coastal forest. They are known to be thriving only on the African continent in the forests od sub-Sahara. In Uganda, the Black and White Colobus Monkeys are greatly spread in Kibale National Park which is also an ideal destination for Chimpanzee trekking safaris in Uganda.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Uganda tour operators to be given bonus gorilla permits

gorilla permitThe Tour operators in Uganda who are noted to be playing a significant role in arranging packages for travelers to undertake safaris in Uganda are in the joyous mood after securing a deal with the Uganda Wildlife Authority that will see them have bonus Uganda gorilla trekking permits.
In the bid to stimulate the gorilla permit sales, a memorandum of Understanding has been signed between Uganda Wildlife Authority and the Association of Uganda Tour Operators headed by Dr. Andrew Seguya and Barbra Adoso respectively. This MOU is aimed at stimulating the sales of the permits used to trek gorillas on Uganda gorilla safaris for the nonresident foreign travelers for a period of three (3) years.
By realizing that Uganda requires adequate market for its Uganda safari products on the international scene, the UWA Chief Andrew thought it wise to bring on board the private sector. Therefore the memorandum of Association is targeting the enhancement of cooperation that will see the gorilla tourism developed by engaging in well-defined strategies and activities jointly including marketing gorilla tourism product as the best experience and the national parks where mountain gorillas thrive as the best destinations both at region and international level that will in turn enhance the gorilla safaris in Uganda
The Member of Association of Uganda Tour Operators will do the product marketing as usual where they buy the gorilla permits from Uganda Wildlife Authority and then resell them to the clients from various places of the world at the existing rates. And in return, the signed memorandum of Understanding enables any tour operator that would have accumulated to 30 gorilla permits purchase to be rewarded with a free gorilla permit as a bonus.
However, the tour operators are required just to pay the taxes and meet the local community contribution from the revenue that they would have made from the sale of the complimentary gorilla permit as UWA has been doing.
Considering the fact that Uganda contains close to a half of mountain gorilla populations that are currently thriving in the world, the new initiative if the agents buy into it, will enhance the tourism revenue that Uganda earns from gorilla tourism
Apparently, the gorilla permit in Uganda stands at $600 for the non-resident foreigners and with twelve (12) habituated gorilla permits in Bwindi and one (1) in Mgahinga, Uganda features 104 gorilla permits on a single day.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The lake victoria serena resort

Lake-Victoria-Serena-Resort -entebbeOn the shores of the world’s second largest fresh water lake - Lake Victoria, there lies a gem that is far beyond the ordinary settling the aspirations of affluent travelers including those on safaris in Uganda.
Belonging to the International chain of Serena Hotels, the Lake Victoria Serena Resort is the recent addition to the East Africa establishments opening its doors in the month of October, the year 2009 with the future plans of adding a luxury residential complex, marina and golf course.
Towering over the white-terraced rose gardens descending passed the fountains and water cascades on the shores of the gigantic lake, the resort presents a tranquil environment close to Entebbe and acts as an extension of the top notch Kampala Serena Hotel thus taking into account of various travelers that prefer varying accommodation setting while on Uganda safaris.
The Lake Victoria Serena Resort features gracious terracotta along with a cream palace while the central citadel is surrounded by cocktail terraces and broad café where relaxation is guaranteed in cushioned sofas. There above the reception, there is beautiful Roman fountain while the white arched galleries tower to a clear glass atrium in which light shafts illuminate the below fountain courtyard leaving the first time guests in moments of wonder which adds to the overall Uganda safari experience.
Behind the main restaurants mosaic frescoes, a clock tower towers above a pool deck where white arch colonnades present an impressive frame for the Lake’s hazy blue and the surrounding green hills of Lweza. Amidst the remarkable gardens there lie spacious villas that present a range of rooms and the suites all featuring the panoramic view of the lake.
Lake Victoria Serena Resort offers accommodation in 124 rooms which include; 114 standard rooms, 8 executive Suites and 2 Presidential Suites. The Standard rooms feature elegant queen sized or two twin beds, work station, dressing table, marble bathroom, balcony and seating area and are located in the Tuscan Villa.
The executive Suites feature a living area with enough space along with flat Screen Television, second balcony and office space where as the Presidential Suites are positioned in the pent house floor of the main Citadel and present with them a lush bathroom, king sized bed, impressive reception area, furnished terrace, dining room featuring a private Kitchen. The Presidential floor also has a private conference space.
The rooms at Lake Victoria Serena Resort features air conditioning, the provision for 24 hour service, Wi-Fi and modem hook up internet, direct dial telephone, flat screen satellite TV, mini bar, voice mail, private safe, hair driers, facilities for making tea and coffee, concierge/ porter, 24 hour call on doctor, access to Maisha Health Spa, Business Center and provision for airport taxi, shuttle or limousine service.
The families travelling together on safaris to Uganda have got their stay well planned at Lake Victoria Serena Hotel. The resort offers accommodation free of charge to the children below 3 years of age while from 3 – 7 years, they are charged 50% and then 7 – 18 years are offered at 75%. The arrangement for the extra beds, menus and dining for children, interconnecting family rooms, children’s paddling pool and baby-sitting not forgetting the secure and extensive gardens make the place ideal for families.
In general, Lake Vitoria Serena Resort features a range of facilities including the Kigo cock tail bar, Lake View pool terrace café and bar, Health club, raised terraces for private events and cocktails, VIP entrance, dedicated car park, helipad and full security, Business Center and conference center with the capacity to accommodate 300 people
Lake Victoria Serena Hotel can be accesses in Kigo area between Entebbe and Kampala 30km form Entebbe International Airport and 15km from Kampala. It id locates off Entebbe road.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Jovago opens up officially in Uganda

jovago- kampalaJovago which is apparently the number one on line hotel booking website in Africa enabling the world travelers including those that undertake safaris to Uganda to secure the best prices for over 25,000 hotels on the continent of Africa is officially opening its offices in Kampala Uganda.
Jovago is motivated by the desire to avail all the accommodation units on line to enable clients access and book them with ease. The efforts to avail this service to the African continent continue to generate fruits. The booming population of Uganda coupled with her fast growing economy and impressive natural sites present a rich ground for Uganda safaris.
It can be noted that Uganda is remarkably outstanding inhabited by the world’s hospitable people and amazing landscapes. As a result a couple of investors tends to visit the country exploring its great potential for business growth not only for Jovago but also other players like tourism sector and the business industry. The Country Manager of Jovago Louis Badea notes that Kampala being a close point to the most of their customers and suppliers makes the opening on an official office ideal.
The Jovago’s expansion to Uganda indicates the value that Jovago attaches to stretching to all its potential clients and the desire to extend beyond borders. This follows the similar efforts of establishing a range of five (5) new offices in Africa including Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania and Mozambique.
The Chief Executive Officer Jovago Mr. Paul Midy extends his happiness over the company’s expansion to Uganda. He notes that considering their passion to serve the travellers needs and the interest to bring along with them innovation and creativity, their official opening in Kampala will be of benefit to the clientele including those that wish to do Uganda safaris.
Jovago is noted to have opened up in 2013 and its first office in East Africa was in Nairobi. The initiative has been growing steadily reaching to over 25,000 hotels in more than forty (40) countries of Africa. And it is from the past success experience that the interest to accelerate its innovative nature of selling hospitality on line on the African continent is being enhanced.

The physical description of common eland

common-elandThe common eland also scientifically referred to as Taurotragus oryx is spread in the savannah and plains of South and East Africa including Uganda where it is always encountered on Uganda safaris. The common eland is a species of Bovidae family and Taurotragus genus and was given first description in 1766 by Peter Simon Pallas.
It can be noted that the common eland is the second largest world antelope after the giant eland with a smaller distinction in size. The common elands feature spiral horns and are noted to be dimorphic sexually with the males being larger than the females. The females feature 300 – 600kg in weight measuring 200cm – 280cm in length from the snout to the tail base and rise to 125 – 153cm in height at their shoulder. The Bull elands have 400 – 942 kg in weight measuring 240 – 345cm in length from the snout to the tail base and rise to 150 – 183cm in height at their shoulder. The eland tail can be 50 – 90cm in length as usually seen by travelers on safaris in Uganda.
The eland coats tend to differ with geography. The elands in the north of Africa feature distinctive markings which are not visible among the southern elands. These marks include; leg markings, torso stripes, spinal crest and dark garters. Besides the rough mane, the elands’ coat is smooth. The female elands feature a tan coat while the male coats are darker featuring bluish grey tinge. The bull elands feature white stripes in vertical series on their sides and this is common in the Karoo parts of Southern Africa. The male coats tend to be grey when they attain old age. It can also be noted that males feature dense fur on their forehead while their throat features a large dewlap as encountered on Uganda safari.
The both eland sexes possess horns that have steady spiral ridge that resembles that of a bushbuck. The eland horns are visible as small buds in the newly born and tend to grow expeditiously in the first seven months. It can be noted that the horns of the male elands are thicker and are shorter compared to the female counterparts. The male horns stretch to 43 – 66cm while females stretch to 51 – 69cm in terms in height. The male horns are used for wrestling and butting heads with the rivals during the rutting season while the females make use of their horns for guarding the young ones against predators.
The common eland is noted to be the slowest of all antelopes and can only run to the maximum speed of 40km per hour and gets tired quickly. However the elands can maintain a 22km per hour trot without stopping. The Elands are able to jump up to 2.5m and 3m for the young ones. The life expectancy of the elands is between 15 – 20 years though some elands live up to 25 years.
The herds of elands are escorted by a clicking loud sound. It is noted that animal weight causes the two halves of its hooves to spread apart and the click sound is generated by the hoof snapping together when the leg of the animals is raised. The sound goes some distance from where the herd is and could be a communication means and guides taking visitors for game viewing on safari in Uganda at times use such sound to spot the elands.
The elands are greatly herbivore and its diet is mostly composed of leaves and grasses. The eland herds can be as large as 500 members and are not territorial. The common eland habitat features a range of flowering plants including woodlands, savannah, montane and open grasslands. It can be noted that elands tend to avoid dense forests and would invoke loud barks, postural and visual movements in communication and warning others of danger.
The elands are used by man for meat, leather and rich nutritious milk and in some areas, they have been domesticated. The Elands are native to the countries of Uganda, Botswana, Kenya, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Namibia, Mozambique, Malawi, South Sudan, South Africa, Swaziland and Tanzania. They are extinct in the countries of Angola and Burundi. Though the population of elands is steadily reducing, it is still listed as least concern on the red list of International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Friday, 14 August 2015

The western tree hyrax

tylaxScientifically referred to as the Dendrohyrax dorsalis, the western tree hyrax belong to the Procaviidae family and is differentiated from other Hyrax Species by its short course fur, absence of hair on the rostrum, the availability of white patch of fur under the chin along with the lower crowns of the cheek teeth as normally encountered on safaris in Uganda.
Regarding the behavior, the western tree hyraxes are noted to be solitary and rarely appear in groups of three or two. They are nocturnal species and greatly feed at night. Also to note about them is that they are skillful climbers where in captivity have been observed to climb to the top edge of an open door with no difficulty as well as being able to scale quickly on the trucks of trees. The tree hyraxes are enabled to climb by their pliant black footpads featuring counts of ridges. In captivity, they have been observed making use of their teeth to hang on vines and wires as they attempt to climb.
Regarding the range and habitat, the western tree hyrax is noted to exist in Sub Saharan Africa in the countries of Cameroon, Benin, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Guinea-Bissau, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Senegal, South Sudan, Uganda, Togo, along with Niger. The natural habitats of tree hyrax include savannah, Sub tropical or the tropical moist lowland forests and rocky areas.
Regarding the predators, the tree hyrax is prone to leopards, eagles, servals, hawks, golden cats and pythons. On rare occasions, the tree hyrax is hunted by humans for food. In Uganda, tree hyraxes are popularly encountered in Kibale National Park and Rwenzori National Park while on Uganda safaris.

Thursday, 30 July 2015


Deep inside Queen Elizabeth National Park ichimps - kyambura - ugandas a diversely compacted pocket called the “Valley of The Apes” because of the choruses of hundreds of Chimpanzees that reside in this forested vale.
The Kyambura Gorge stretches for just one (1) kilometer but pulls-in a great depth of wildlife for tourists to see including both fauna and flora species. Its flora diversity makes it one of the most sacredly diverse botanical locations in the entirety of Queen Elizabeth. Plant species, flowers and ferns blossom from the few rays of sun that penetrate the thick forest canopy.
This dewy valley is drenched by the clear waters of the Kyambura River which also feeds the plants and trees with water and mineral nutrients, enabling them to put on a think healthy-green color even during times of light showers in the other parts of Queen Elizabeth. Surprisingly these plants luxuriantly thrive even at a level below sea level.
This forested environment of the Kyambura gorge is the perfect hideout for man’s closest cousins, the chimpanzees. The chimps can’t imagine living in the other hotter parts of the park when the weather in the Kyambura Valley is nice and cool all year round.
Once you are inside the forest, you forget about the crazy world outside; you are finely hidden in a remarkable place. You will hear the chimpanzees gossiping amongst themselves about your entry into their territory while several other species of primates will clap and scream as they play around in the branches high above. If you stand still and keenly listen, you can also enjoy the harmonic songs of birds remixed by the panning screeches of crickets.
Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has habituated some of the chimpanzees to human visits, so tourists may be fortunate enough to take a close-up photo of some incredible apes chilling on some of the dead wood that lies the valley’s floor. The greater number of the chimps however prefer to demonstrate their tricks from the trees above.
At the entrance to the forest is an ideal picnicking place where tourists can enjoy a bush lunch while keeping their cameras close to them in a manner not to miss monkeys playfully chasing one another, or a colorful butterfly flapping past their location.
This unimaginable stretch of forest forms an ideal place to spend a few private moments while on a Safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park. “Welcome to the Valley of the Apes”.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

The only places to find the world’s unequaled species; the mountain gorillas– Uganda gorilla safari news

gorillas f bwindi - ugandaOver the years, we have come to agree that the world’s most famous but rarely seen species are the mountain gorillas; a nonpareil species that inhabits just a few tropical and subtropical forests of Africa. A lot is written about gorillas in general, making them seem like any other species that you would easily run into; but the mountain gorillas (the gorilla beringei beringei subspecies) are no ordinary species. Some their lowland counterparts the lowland gorillas of West Africa have been translocated to zoos where they have surprisingly been able to survive, but mountain gorillas would not make a long life in captivity.
According to census, there are more lowland gorillas in captivity than there are living freely in their natural habitat. Conversely, mountain gorillas can only be found in their natural habitats because of their endangered nature, and according to a 2012 census there are only 880 of them in the world.
Mountain gorillas can only be seen during gorilla tracking safaris to three countries located in east and central Africa (Rwanda Uganda and Congo DR). All these three countries have both wild and habituated mountain gorilla families and it is only the habituated families which can be visited by tourists. Congo has six (6) mountain gorilla families; Rwanda has ten (10) while Uganda has twelve (13).
Safaris to track mountain gorillas in Congo DR are only conducted in Virunga National Park (7,800 km²) which is part of the larger Virunga Conservation Area that is shared among the three countries (Uganda Rwanda and Congo). Congo has six habituated gorilla families which include Munyaga (7 individuals); Lulengo (6 members); Mapuwa (15 members); Humba (16 individuals); Rugendo (8 members) and Kabirirzi which is the largest of Congo’s habituated gorilla families with forty (40) individuals.
Tourists on Rwanda Gorilla safaris are able to track the invaluable mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park; also called “Parc National des Volcans”. The habituated gorillas include Umubano (11 members); Kwitonda (18 members); Karisimbi (15 individuals); Sabinyo (8 mountain gorillas); Amahoro (17 members); Bwenge (11 members); Agasha (which is also called “The Group of Thirteen” is a family of 13); Ugyenda (11 members) and Susa which includes two subgroups (one with 28 members while the other has 15 individuals) has forty (40) members making it the largest habituated mountain gorilla family in the world.
Uganda’s mountain gorillas can be found in two (2) National Parks in the southwestern part of the country. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park has almost half of the world’s population of mountain gorillas and some of these gorillas live in Bwindi’s twelve (12) habituated mountain gorilla families. Eleven of these mountain gorilla families are open to Uganda gorilla tracking safari guests while the twelfth group called Kyaguriro is reserved for research by the Max Plank Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. The other families include Bweza, Mishaya, Rushegura, Habinyanja, Nshongi, Nkuringo, Oruogo, Mubare, Bitukura, Kahungye and Busingye.
Gorilla trekking safaris to Uganda can also lead to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park which has a single itinerant mountain gorilla family called Nyakagyezi led by an adventurous silverback called Mark. Despite its journeys to Congo DR and Rwanda, this family has been observed to settle more on the Ugandan side since 2012.
The blessed spotlight of mountain gorillas is only shone on these three countries (Congo, Rwanda and Uganda) but fortunately none of these countries is selfish about these treasures. Their doors are open to tourists from all countries who can spend a full hour with one of the habituated mountain gorilla groups. The experience of having a one-on-one encounter with the mountain gorillas can never be compared to any other.
Uganda safaris/Uganda safari News
Prime Uganda safaris & Tours Ltd

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Over half of Africa’s bird species represented in Uganda – Uganda safari news

uganda birding safaris Hillary Bradt, an author and publisher once said that “Uganda’s birds have ornithologists doing cartwheels…” and you will surely coincide with her the moment you get off that plane at Entebbe International Airport. This is not sarcasm at all; Uganda has over half of Africa’s total count of bird species (over 1,100 species of birds). Whether you intend to or do not intend to see them, while on your Uganda Tour and Safari you will see quite a number of birds.
Uganda’s many ecosystems; wetland, forest and savanna ecosystems all harbor birds of many colors, sizes and melodies making Uganda a true birder’s pride. Even around the built environments like in Uganda’s Capital City (Kampala), tourists can observe over 330 bird species including the hammerkops, ducks, and gentle doves. Makerere University’s main campus and the Kabaka’s manmade Lake in Kampala attract a number of bird species including the commonly seen marabou stork, which Ugandans have called “The Unofficial National Bird”.
Safari and Tours guests to Uganda can enjoy sightings of up to 24 Albertine endemics and some other species that cannot be seen anywhere else but in Uganda like the Fox Weaver. Uganda has a variety of birding hubs like Queen Elizabeth National Park which has at least 600 bird species; Bwindi Impenetrable National park, 350 bird species and the most popular mountain gorilla trekking Safari destination in the world, Semuliki (441 species of birds), Lake Mburo (350 bird species) and Mgahinga National Parks (over 115 bird species).
A variety of bird species like the pelicans, herons, African Kingfishers, and the sporadic Shoebill Stork can be seen in Uganda’s wetlands like the Lake Victoria shores, around Lake Bunyonyi (which in English translates as “lake of the birds”), the Mabamba swamp; and flamingos can be found around the southwestern crater lakes of Munyanyange, Nyamunuuka and Maseche.
Safaris and tours steered towards the northeastern corner of Uganda will offer birders an opportunity to see both Africa’s largest bird of flight and the world’s largest flightless bird the Kori bustard and Ostrich respectively.When he was still the prime minister of the United Kingdom (UK), Sir Winston Churchill called Uganda “the Pearl of Africa” and this is a statement that you will readily agree with, after seeing the splendid nature of this country’s constituents. With some elements situated on the ground, in the waters and in the air; some being easy to see while others are camouflaged and require some more efforts to sight; the ancient and novel constituents all come together to support Churchill’s statement that Uganda is the most valuable of all Africa’s treasures.
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wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd

Myth about Volcanoes national Park in Rwanda-Rwanda Safari News

gorilla-volcanoes-national-park  Volcanoes National Park famously known as Parc Nationaldes Volcans in French is located in Northwestern part of the land of thousand hills - Rwanda and frontiers Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda. The Gorilla safari destination in Rwanda is most popular as a paradise for the world endangered mountain gorilla and perfect home to five (5) of the eight spectacular volcanoes of the Virunga Massifs i.e. Karisimbi Volcano, Mt.Bisoke, Mountain Muhabura, Gahinga as well as the oldest Sabyinyo Volcano, which are covered /occupied in bamboo and rainforest.
The park was first established in 1925, as a small area covered by Karisimbi Volcanoes, Visoke and Mikeno Volcano’s. It was founded to protect and conserve the endangered Mountain gorillas from illegal poachers. This park was the very first National Park to be established in Africa and in 1967; it became the base for the American naturalist Dian Fossey who was carrying out her research about the Mountain gorillas. She started Karisoke Research Center between two Volcanoes of Karisimbi and Visoke. From then onwards, she spent most of her time in the park, and the fallen researcher is remembered for her efforts of saving the Mountain gorillas from serious threat of extinction by bringing their plight to the attention of the international community.
Covering 160kms of protected land, this precious national park was turned or made fighting grounds during the merciless Civil war which swept across Rwanda, with the park headquarters being invaded in 1992. During that time, the Karisoke research Center that was earlier on created by Dian Fossey was left and even all gorilla trekking and other activities were halted The tourists activities where not regained until year 1999 when the park area was declared safe and secure from the rebels.
Volcanoes National Park is one of the best parks with unique vegetation types that vary according to altitudinal range within the park. The lower slopes of the park are mainly dominated with montane forests which are under threat extinction due to increasing illegal poaching activities that were practiced in the park grounds. Between elevations of 2400 - 2500 m above sea level, there is Neoboutonia forest and from 2500- 3200 m above sea level, bamboo forest occurs, covering almost 30% of the park area. From an elevation of 2600 - 3600 m, Hagenia-Hypericum forest occur and these also covers 30% of the park. The vegetation from 3500 to 4200 m is characterized by rare Lobelia wollastonii, as well as unique plant life called lanurensis, plus Senecio erici-rosenii which cover about 25% of the park. The flora from 4300 to 4500 m is characterized with grassland, secondary thicket, marshes, meadows swamps and small lakes also occur.
The park is also most popular for the endangered species of the Mountain Gorilla that thrive in the hilly forested areas of the park. Probably the mountain gorilla account for the many Rwanda safaris under taken to the park. In addition to gorilla include other mammal species like golden monkey, herds of buffalo; black-fronted duiker as well as Spotted Hyena and bushbuck also exist in the park. For bird lovers, the park also houses almost 178 bird species and out of the total number 13 are anticipated to be found to the stunning Virunga Mountains.
Spanning in the middle of Central Africa, the impressive Volcanoes national park are among the most inspiring sights to be enjoyed in East Africa. Dian Fossey long ago wrote that “Visitor on Rwanda hiking safari when hiking so high up has to shiver more than he or she sweat”. The rough series of eight (8) peaks, summit projects so high to an elevation of 15,000 feet in some areas, and 5 of these peaks are sheltered within Volcanoes national park in Rwanda. The bottom of each is sheltered with dense rainforest, which later gives way to the stunning grassland as well as alpine moorland as you move higher.
Rwanda Safaris/Rwanda Safari News
Prime Uganda Safaris &Tours Ltd

Mountain gorilla conservation in Uganda; a positive endeavor – Uganda gorilla safari news

uganda safari to gorillas For those interested in finding the perfect and unique thing to do while in Africa, Uganda Gorilla trekking safaris and tours are the most satisfying thing to do; they are the peak of any wildlife holiday that any traveler would ever want to have. Unfortunately even with the awesomeness of these species, their population greatly declined in the past to a small number; a reason why scientists labeled them as a “critically endangered” species.
In 2006 a report by the International Gorilla Conservation Programme (IGCP) stated that there were only 302 mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park; a place which has actually for some time accommodated almost half of the world’s population. This was a number too small and if conservation efforts were not quickly undertaken, the population was bound to increase in its deterioration.
The lives of the Mountain gorillas are threatened by a number of predators, the highest of which has always been man. Humans mostly directly threaten mountain gorilla through poaching, which is mainly done by the settlements that live around their habitats. For example on17th June 2011, Mizano, a member of the Habinyanja family (which is a delight to Gorilla safari trackers in Uganda) was found dead, with evidence of spear wounds.
Indirectly, man has threatened the survival of mountain gorillas by destroying part of the impenetrable forest which provides a home to the mountain gorillas; habitat loss simply translates into stress on the survival of the gorillas. In Uganda this has not been as serious as it has been in the neighboring Virunga National Park of Congo DR and perhaps that’s the reason why Uganda holds the largest population of mountain gorillas in the world.
Fortunately, because of the cooperative efforts by both local and international conservation organizations, we have seen a steady increase in the numbers of gorilla individuals in Bwindi from the 302 in 2006 to the 400 which were recorded in the latest census carried out in 2012. This is a very good picture for the future of gorilla trekking tours and safaris in Uganda and we look forward to an increase in numbers in the next census.
The team of conservationists includes the Uganda Wildlife Authority; which is in charge of all National parks in Uganda; the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH), Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project; and the IGCP which is a coalition of the World Wildlife Fund and African Wildlife Foundation, Fauna & Flora International. These private and public sector foundations have extended aid in form of expertise, finances, research, treatment, and sensitization of the local communities about the significance of protecting the mountain gorilla species.
Today, the Bwindi Mountain Gorilla Population represents nearly half of the total population of the few mountain gorilla individuals that remain in our world today, and together with Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Uganda is able to house at least half of the 880 mountain gorillas in the world. Bwindi has twelve habituated mountain gorilla families spread out through its four (4) sectors and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park has one (1) family called Nyakagezi.
Habituation has greatly helped in studying the mountain gorilla species and this way, scientists have been able to ascertain ways in which to perfectly conserve them; one of Bwindi’s twelve (12) habituated families (the Kyaguriro mountain gorilla family) has even been set-aside for research alone.
Apart from the Kyaguriro mountain gorilla family, travelers on Uganda Mountain Gorilla Safaris can enjoy a trek along one of the trails in Mgahinga or Bwindi to track these invaluable species. And the fascinations of every individual safari will continue to cloud the minds of Uganda’s visitors. We are greatly thankful to all groups and individuals which have been part of the conservation struggle. The future is brighter that way!
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wild gorilla Safaris & Tours Ltd

Monday, 6 July 2015

Bwindi’s bweza mountain gorilla family – Uganda gorilla safari news

rwanda-gorillas-safaris Mountain Gorilla Trekking Safaris remain the finest experiences that visitors can ever have when they visit Africa in the countries of Uganda, Rwanda and Congo DR. Today the world only has 880 individuals (Gorillas) living in the wild (of course they cannot survive in captivity) and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park has almost half of this total population. The “Bwindi Population” comprises of both wild and habituated mountain gorilla families. Trekkers can only visit eleven (11) of the twelve (12) habituated mountain gorilla families in Bwindi and Bweza is one of them. The twelfth (12th) family called Kyaguriro is strictly reserved for research purposes.
Although a calm and peaceable population, unrests have characterized the Bwindi population over the years; with some families wrestling with other mountain gorilla groups, some habituated families facing raids from wild mountain gorilla families; and it is also becoming common to see divisions among the habituated families. Such historical events and many more are explained by UWA ranger guides to Tours and Safari visitors in Uganda’s significant national park; Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The Bweza family is also a result of a secession struggle.
One account states that after a silverback called Mishaya broke away with ten (10) members of the Nshongi mountain gorilla family in 2010, another silverback called Bweza also chose to leave the Nshongi family (the largest mountain gorilla family to ever be habituated) to form his own. Another account narrates that when Mishaya left the Nshongi family, he left with Bweza who after living under Mishaya’s roof for two years, decided to break away with six (6) members to form his own family. Both these mountain gorilla families (Mishaya and Bweza) can be found when tracking mountain gorillas on a Safari in Uganda along the Rushaga trail-head where their parent mountain gorilla family Nshongi also lives.
When the Bweza silverback left to form his own family, the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) rangers thought he would soon return, but this has not happened until today. UWA decided to open the Bweza family to Uganda gorilla trekking safari visitors at the end of 2012.The formation of the Bweza family created availability for more tourists to also enjoy the awesomeness in mountain gorilla tracking; creating an additional eight (8) spots for tourists to fill in. The family is now settled and calm with a total number of nine (9) individuals who are still led by their founding father and alpha silver-back called Bweza.
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wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd

yes it revolves; Kampala’s seven hills revolving restaurant – Uganda safari news

7-hills-revolving-restaurant Are you quite a picky eater who wants to be very specific about what you eat, or do you just want to give your family or travel companion an exquisite dinner to remember you for, while you are on your Safari and Tour to Uganda. 7 Hills Revolving Restaurant is the finest dining spot for you in Kampala. Here you get value for your dollars, and even more.
The restaurant is one of the divisions of Golf Course Hotel and forms the apex of this luxurious hotel both in architectural design and service delivery. Golf Course Hotel is named after the gorgeous grassy green carpet that covers the undulating landscape of the relaxing Kitante Golf Course. The hotel is along Yusuf Lule road just adjacent to the shoppers’ delights of Garden City mall and Oasis mall.
Served in its clear clean glass chambers are awesomely prepared continental cuisines shaped by an experienced chef whose only specialty is preparing finger-licking meals. You will easily find a dish that reminds you of home (including sea food) while on your Uganda Safari adventures. The restaurant also has an onsite bar which is well-stocked with local brands and other globally craved brands. The knowledgeable bar man adds a lovely taste to his cocktails which are finely tailored to individual tastes and preferences.
The décor is something to fall for, the moment you walk in to the restaurant. The ambience of the 7 Hills Revolving Restaurant reminds you of how very important you are and is the right way of telling your travel companion how special they are to you.
When you sit down at the beautifully set tables, you will enjoy the best views of Kampala, a very beautiful city. This is the best point to enjoy the finest outlooks of the entire city during your Safari Holiday in Uganda.
As you gaze on, you will be served by the friendly and highly professional waiters and waitresses. Once the food is served, it will be up to you to begin the battle between cutlery and the food on the plate.

Throughout your meal, you will enjoy stunning views of the city from different points but still in the comfort of your seat; because the restaurant really revolves. There is no myth about this; the restaurant revolves (or we could say it rotates) to reveal to you all Kampala’s seven (7) hills in about ninety (90) minutes; a clearly visible explanation of its name “The 7 Hills Revolving Restaurant”.
At this secluded place you will be certain to enjoy one of the best evenings of your tour and safari in Uganda and if you have time, you will definitely want to come back many more times. So make your reservation in time; brace yourself for a delicious meal and buckle up for an unforgettable ride through Kampala’s seven (7) hills.
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Prime Uganda safaris & Tours Ltd

Thursday, 2 July 2015

The coolest beasts i know the mountain gorillas– Uganda safari news

gorillas of uganda and rwandaWe see them in brochures, we read so many articles about them, we have watched them a couple of times in movies like Dawn of the planet of the apes or King Kong; we are willing to sit still and watch a day-long documentary about them and we love to hear stories told by people who have met them. There is more to add to this list of many things we are willing to do for them, simply because they are the coolest beasts today.
I am not talking about the many smaller lowland gorillas that you will easily find on a Gorilla Safari adventure in western Africa, but I am referring to the few mountain gorillas (beringei beringei subspecies). Here’s why I think they are so cool.
The total number of Mountain gorillas in the world is below 900 individuals and these can only be found in three countries Uganda, Rwanda and Congo DR. Like celebrities, they are not individuals who you will easily come across every day but require series of preparation; if at all you get the opportunity of visiting them.
Mountain gorillas are profoundly strong. The power of a silverback (male mountain gorilla) is ten (10) times the strength of a heavy weight boxer on drugs. So mountain gorilla safari and tours visitors whether in Uganda, Rwanda or Congo ought to be careful not to annoy them. Though very strong, they are very calm and friendly animals.
Mountain gorillas have about 94% of the genetic composition of man. That’s why they behave in a manner very similar to our own. For example mountain gorillas mourn the loss of a loved one, so they have emotions. Also like humans most male mountain gorillas have a yearning for power and authority that cannot be extinguished. It sounds completely out of the world, but mountain gorillas take naps. Around lunch time, a number of mountain gorillas take a nap. Leaders of Mountain gorilla families also fight to defend their loved ones like men do; only that sometimes they go further to the point of death.Another cool thing about these species is that they open their homes to guests at any time of the year and they offer a daily full hour of complete dedication to their guests (tourists) once they arrive. Tourists who have been on Mountain gorilla tracking safaris and tours in Rwanda or Uganda can testify to this.
Did you know that by visiting a mountain gorilla family, you are contributing to the conservation of these outstanding species? Many people in the past have unknowingly supported this good cause. It does not matter whether you embark on Mountain gorilla tracking safaris and tours in Rwanda or Africa at large, but wherever you go; the money you pay for the gorilla permit will be injected in programs that toil towards rejuvenating the world’s coolest beasts!
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wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd

Chobe safari lodge; a top notch facility in Murchison wilderness – Uganda safari news

chobe safari lodge - uganda The Chobe Safari Lodge is the top notch luxury accommodation within the boundaries of the Uganda safari destination of Murchison Falls National Park in the north west of Uganda. Chobe Safari lodge has up class accommodation overlooking the Nile River and its impressive rapids. The Nile River traverses the park for 115km adjoining Lake Albert to end its Victoria Nile part and begin the Albert Nile part as it’s always encountered by travelers on safaris in Uganda.
Chobe Safari Lodge presents a range of facilities and amenities including bar and Restaurant with Television, Swimming pool, Children’s play area, Gift Shop, Travel desk, solar water heater, generator powered electricity, star gazing telescope and onsite wild game viewing. These are more enhanced and designed to detail bringing out the typical touch of a luxury safari lodge and it is always a moment of wonder when the affluent world travelers encounter such setting while on Uganda safaris and tours.
Chobe Safari Lodge offers classic accommodation in a range of accommodation units that stand at different price ranges suiting all specialties and budgets for a range of travelers that undertake a safari in Uganda. There are sixteen (16) standard rooms which are located in the main building block with each room featuring an en suite shower and toilet, ceiling fan, hair dryers and a private balcony with the views of the Nile. The lodge also features three (3) suites which are located on the main block. They are very spacious suitable for families that would wish to have enough space. Chobe Lodge has seven (7) deluxe safari tents that are at a short walking distance from the main building. These tents feature a luxury interior experience and have undeterred views of the Nile River. There is also eight (8) standard safari tents and also involves a simple walk from the main building.
For the families that prefer to keep together on their holiday, a family house is more ideal for their stay in Murchison the more distinguished personalities have the prestigious Presidential Cottage which is by all means beyond the ordinary. The more affluent travelers in safaris to Uganda tend to opt for it.
Staying at Chobe Safari lodge allows you to have a wild game encounter within the Murchison Falls National Park including the Rothschild Giraffes and elephants that tend to roam in the nearby thicket. The stretch to the open savannah offers more rewarding game viewing and the lodge also allows you connect to Paraa for recreation Nile launch cruise which is more rewarding in the afternoon.
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wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd

Adventuring the Ugandan wilderness with the mihingo lodge – Uganda safari news

mihingo safari lodgeCraftily positioned on an acacia-forested Kopje in the Lake Mburo National Park area of southwestern Uganda, Mihingo Lodge offers the finest way to experience Uganda’s wilderness Safaris and tours. Like a hidden treasure the lodge is mystically built to blend with the environment so that only a few people can trace it and only those few can be rewarded with utmost luxury and comfort.
Lake Mburo is Uganda’s smallest National Park located about three hours and a half west of Kampala (Uganda’s Capital City) and provides habitats to over 68 mammalian species and 350 bird species; not forgetting the captivating vegetation which creates habitats for them and also provides food for them.
Mihingo lodge was founded by a duo of married Kenya-born Europeans (Ralph & Suni) who grew up with a relentless love for the African wilderness; “Ever since I was little I had dreamed of living in the bush.” Suni said and it did come to pass with the construction of Mihingo Lodge, which has accommodated a number of tourists on Uganda Safaris and tours to Lake Mburo National Park. With an experience of both Uganda and other parts of the world, Rlph and Suni have been able to create a “hybrid-lodge” that features the beauty of Africa and the western world.
The lodge houses its guests in ten self-contained rooms each with en-suite facilities and incredible vistas of the Park. Mihingo also offers her guest the opportunity to set up tents in the bush. Its meals are yummy and are served in a straw thatched building with ample room to relax; most of the ingredients for the recipes are organically sourced from the lodge’s own garden. Mihingo is eco-friendly using energy from the sun and harvesting its water from the rains that wet the park.
Its unique activities and games for tourists continue to present it as the dearest sleepover point for tourists on Safaris and Tours in Lake Mburo. Mihingo has an artistically crafted swimming pool which was dug into the rock outcrop looking towards the Park’s waterhole and saltlick where most of the park’s wildlife like the burchell’s zebras and antelopes congregate. The lodge also offers the only horseback safaris in Uganda in which tourists can get closer views of even the shy animals which normally retreat at the sound of the vehicle engines.
Parents on Safaris to Lake Mburo National Park can have some mommy and daddy quiet time as their kids enjoy lessons about nature in the bush. They need not to worry because their children will be in safe hands.
The lodge also offers other activities like running wild, bush biking, walking safaris, boat trips, cultural visits, yoga; and something to try out is their activity called “out of the ordinary”. With topnotch services offered by the skillful and warmhearted staff members, Mihingo remains the best way to experience Uganda’s wilderness.
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Prime Uganda safaris & Tours Ltd

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

The day break at sezibwa falls – Uganda safari news

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  The Sezibwa Falls is located in the district of Mukono about 40kms from kampala towards the eastern direction. It is one of the thrilling Uganda safari attractions that present a memorable day break encounter for someone that would have interest in getting away from the bustling city  life of Kampala.
The site which is geologically a water fall has got a great culture attached at it. The twin born river is believed to have been born by Nalongo who instead of giving birth to live babies, she gave birth to a stream and this stream separated upon birth forming the two twin streams that flow up to today and can be encountered by travelers on Uganda safaris and tours.
The Sezibwa falls has thus had a considerable traditional significance of the Baganda and the Kings of Buganda could visit it for religious and recreational aspects. The falls which force their way through the huge rocks fall several meters down the small pool before forming a thunderous roar that it is worthy exploring. The locals because of their traditional attachment to it would offer sacrifices including chicken, animals among others as a ways of pleasing their ancestral spirits. These cultural formations are still visible at the site even up to day. Taking a day break to the site would definitely expose you to this memorable encounter. This at times has always inspired the world travelers to include Sezibwa in the list of what to visit while planning safaris to Uganda.
There are a range of activities that can make your day at Sezibwa Falls. These include; the guided nature walks that offers you an encounter with the primary tropical forest where possibilities of seeing vervet monkeys, red tailed monkeys along with butterflies and a range of snakes such as the Green Mamba. There is also bird watching encounter where 120 bird species are noted to be on the site. Sezibwa Falls also provides a rich study center for students and other researchers.
The rich culture at Sezibwa Falls is beyond the ordinary. The local people that live around it have got impressive traditions that are worth exploring. The adventurous rock climbing and biking combine to make your tour to Sezibwa as a day break or as part of your itinerary while on Uganda safari tour memorable.
Ssezibwa Falls is 2km off Jinja road to the trading center of Kayanja and if you wish to spend an overnight at the site, Sipi Falls Resort is there to offer an impressive overnight stay.
Uganda safaris/Uganda safari News
wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd