Tuesday, 30 June 2015

The day break at sezibwa falls – Uganda safari news

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  The Sezibwa Falls is located in the district of Mukono about 40kms from kampala towards the eastern direction. It is one of the thrilling Uganda safari attractions that present a memorable day break encounter for someone that would have interest in getting away from the bustling city  life of Kampala.
The site which is geologically a water fall has got a great culture attached at it. The twin born river is believed to have been born by Nalongo who instead of giving birth to live babies, she gave birth to a stream and this stream separated upon birth forming the two twin streams that flow up to today and can be encountered by travelers on Uganda safaris and tours.
The Sezibwa falls has thus had a considerable traditional significance of the Baganda and the Kings of Buganda could visit it for religious and recreational aspects. The falls which force their way through the huge rocks fall several meters down the small pool before forming a thunderous roar that it is worthy exploring. The locals because of their traditional attachment to it would offer sacrifices including chicken, animals among others as a ways of pleasing their ancestral spirits. These cultural formations are still visible at the site even up to day. Taking a day break to the site would definitely expose you to this memorable encounter. This at times has always inspired the world travelers to include Sezibwa in the list of what to visit while planning safaris to Uganda.
There are a range of activities that can make your day at Sezibwa Falls. These include; the guided nature walks that offers you an encounter with the primary tropical forest where possibilities of seeing vervet monkeys, red tailed monkeys along with butterflies and a range of snakes such as the Green Mamba. There is also bird watching encounter where 120 bird species are noted to be on the site. Sezibwa Falls also provides a rich study center for students and other researchers.
The rich culture at Sezibwa Falls is beyond the ordinary. The local people that live around it have got impressive traditions that are worth exploring. The adventurous rock climbing and biking combine to make your tour to Sezibwa as a day break or as part of your itinerary while on Uganda safari tour memorable.
Ssezibwa Falls is 2km off Jinja road to the trading center of Kayanja and if you wish to spend an overnight at the site, Sipi Falls Resort is there to offer an impressive overnight stay.
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wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd

The revenue sharing scheme in Uganda; the hurdles involved – Uganda safari news

conservation -uganda As the world was changing to the community approach for conservation of protected areas, Uganda did not settle for the ordinary. The community approach was seen as a pro-people conservation strategy that was meant to draw people to understanding the significance of wildlife conservation and create a positive thinking of the existence of the protected areas since the local people had proved dangerous enough to these gazetted areas which they considered to be wasteland and denial by the authorities to their enjoyment of the offers on nature. The Uganda’s National Parks which are always visited by travelers on safaris in Uganda were among the targeted.
Uganda Wildlife Authority launched the revenue sharing scheme as part of this strategy implementation and the communities surrounding the protected areas were to get 20% out of the entrance fees that are charged from the Uganda safari undertakers. The move was seen as a positive trend towards the building of a sustainable conservation program-me and for the first time the communities which were affected by the gazzettion and wildlife attacks started to benefit directly from the parks. The money gathered would be put to the district account for community development and projects like schools, health centers and water points were put up along with other aspects that deemed relevant to the respective communities surrounding the parks.
However, the issues of local corruption could not allow the projects run smoothly and be 100% relevant to community. The community leaders and the elites began to take advantage of the majority less educated and as thus the people gained less from what otherwise would have yielded a gross impact to their societies. The projects like schools were built but under the shoddy arrangement and would collapse soon after their completion. The other hurdle is noted to be the low levels of education among the communities that surround these protected areas which have got verdant wildlife that at time attract world travelers to plan safaris to Uganda. The low education level means that the people will not participle equitably in the decision making and thus may not even know about the running of the revenue sharing project. This makes them less compliant and thus failing to change their long held perceptions about the protected areas which they see as nothing other than a waste land.
The Uganda Wildlife Authority in its new arrangement is trying to ensure that instead of remitting money to the local government for the district to decide on what to use the money for, the amount should be disbursed directly to the surrounding communities be it parishes that are every close tot to the park such that the local people agree on the project and do it themselves under the Project Management Committee. This is intended to inculcate the sense of ownership thus creating a good attitude to conservation. However, the district officials are not in line with this kind of arrangement citing lack of capacity among the locals to handle such projects. Albeit the hurdles, the revenue sharing initiative is seen as a strategy that can increasingly further the community approach in the conservation of Uganda’s National Parks.
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wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd

The chimpanzees, man’s closest relatives – Uganda safari news

chimpanzee in uganda safaris  Although when we cry we shed tears and when they cry it’s just sad sounds that can be heard, chimpanzees and man are closely related. Quite a number of scientific researchers have stated that the Chimpanzees are man’s closest relatives (their DNA is 95% to 98% similar to that of man), with a brain more developed than any other animal but man. Sadly, in less than two (2) centuries, the chimp population has reduced from 1.2 million to roughly 300,000 chimpanzees around the world.
The world’s remaining Chimpanzee population can only be found in Africa; and Uganda is the finest destination for chimpanzee trekking Safaris in the East African region. Because of the 5,000 chimpanzees spread throughout a number of locations in the country, successful chimpanzee trekking and habituation safaris can be carried out in places like the Ngamba Island on Lake Victoria, Kibale National Park; the Kyambura gorge of Queen Elizabeth National Park; Budongo forest in Muchison Falls Conservation Area and the Kalinzu forest which is a drive away from Mweya (in Queen Elizabeth National Park).
There are a number of interesting things that you would never expect chimpanzees to do especially because they are considered wild animals. But on encountering them during Chimpanzee Trekking safaris and Tours in Uganda, tourists will be awe-struck at how minimal the differences are between man and these animals.
Like man, chimps create and maintain bonds and relationships. Even when it grows up, a chimpanzee and its mother normally maintain a sense of connection, which is similar to how man behaves. Chimpanzees like man play and many times compose games when they are bored. Watching their creativity is something you may desire to do for a whole day, but like mountain gorillas, engagement time during a chimp tracking Uganda Safari and Tour is utmost, one (1) hour.
One other thing that has wowed us for some time is their use of tools. The first time a chimp was seen using a tool was in 1960 by a primatologist called Jane Goodall. But their level of creativity continues to grow with the years. Chimps have been seen to grab sticks and bang the ground in order to scare away their enemies; others modify objects like leaves and use them for drinking water; and some have also learnt to break the hard shells of fruits with stones or sticks.
The average death age for a chimpanzee is below 50 years, although a few extra ordinary cases have been recorded of chimpanzees aging up to sixty (60) years. For the larger part of their lifetime, chimps are very strong mammals (about 5 or 6 times stronger than an average human) perhaps that’s something we can work on as humans.
Finally, just as a majority of people have things they do daily before they sleep, so do chimps. Some humans put on their pajamas, brush their teeth; and for the believers, they kneel down for a bedtime prayer. The chimpanzees on the other hand build a brand new nest from scratch every night. Perhaps they are just curious about finding that perfect sleeping spot every night. Kibale National Park in western Uganda offers tourists the opportunity to physically engage in the full day chimpanzee trekking and habituation process. These tourists can therefore watch the chimps as they build their nest at around 7:00pm.
Our similarities with these primates should remind us of the responsibilities we have to our brothers and friends. We should find time out of our busy schedules to go and visit our brothers the Chimpanzees.
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wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd

Monday, 29 June 2015

Uganda set to attract more Chinese-Uganda Safari News

uganda tourism   The move by Uganda tourism destination to diversify its market base by attracting more travelers from China to undertake safaris in Uganda is the right move which should be adopted and embraced by most of the tour and travel companies in Uganda and other tourism stake holders that have the ability to market Uganda’s natural and artificial tourists attractions that range from the wildlife protected in national parks, game reserves, the unique cultural attraction in Uganda, ever green natural vegetation as well as the hospitable image of the local Ugandans. The Uganda’s unique tourism products such as the endangered mountain gorilla in Bwindi should be presented in an appealing and enticing way that really enters in the mind and heart of the potential Chinese travelers so that they can come to love the tourism product in Uganda and hence this will coerce them to undertake safaris to Uganda.
China which has over 1.3 billion people is a really big opportunity for the tourism industry in Uganda if Uganda can strategically position its self to penetrable on the growing potential tourism market from Chinese travelers who are seeking for the best tourism destination in the world where they can spend their holidays having full adventure experience. Over the past recent years, the world has witnessed an increase in the number of Chinese seeking for holidays in different tourism destination in the world and hence Uganda also as being the pearl of Africa and must visit destination in the world should forge its way to see that they enter to tap in the increasing potential Chinese travelers. This can be successfully achieved by Uganda intensifying its marketing mechanisms which target Chinese travelers; tourism packages should be developed in way that they are attractive to all categories of Chinese travelers’ right from luxury travelers, mid-range tourists and budget travelers. Hence if this is done, it will help to attract all classes of Chinese travelers to spend their holiday safaris in Uganda.
As noted by Li Jinamo the Vice President and Secretary General of the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Association, there is need for Uganda as tourism destination to improve on the roads linking travelers on Uganda safaris from the town areas to rural areas where most of the tourism attractions in Uganda are located. Besides ,the roads ,there is need for the government to improve and create more airfields in the districts near the important tourist attractions so that it can reduce the number of hours spent by tourists on their safari tours in Uganda to travel by road to the remote areas where the attractions are positioned.
In order to tap in the market of the potential Chinese travelers, there is need for Uganda tourism board, to invite Chinese journalists, prominent Chinese writers, as well as other famous Asian international Medias to write about the unique tourists attractions in Uganda such as the endangered mountain gorillas in Bwindi, rare tree climbing lions in Queen Elizabeth, the unique wonders like source of the River Nile, L.Victoria, the friendly people, unique cultural attractions among others. If familiarization trips are organized for Chinese media to publish the information about the tourism attractions in Uganda, it will help to make Uganda’s attractions to be known to the potential Chinese travelers and this will attract them to take gorilla trekking safaris to Uganda to trek the only mountain gorillas protected in Uganda. In nut shell Uganda the pearl of Africa has whatever it takes to penetrable into the growing potential market of Chinese travelers and only this can come true if Uganda well positions its tourism products direct to the Chinese travelers.
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wild gorilla Safaris and Tours Ltd

nshongi the biggest ever habituated mountain gorilla family in bwindi – uganda safari news

nshongi family In her Rushaga sector, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park creates a home to a mountain gorilla family called Nshongi. The Rushaga sector is traversed by a stream called “Omushongi Gwoboki”, which in a local dialect translates as sweet wild honey. The river’s waters are brown-like in color similar to the color of wild honey. On Uganda Safaris and adventures, visitors get to see the stream which provided an eponym for the naming of Nshongi mountain gorilla family.
At the time of its first sighting, and its eventual habituation in September 2009, the Nshongi mountain gorilla family members were often seen relaxing along the river banks and just breathing in the breeze that blew from the cool waters of the stream.
With a record 36 members when it received its first visitors, Nshongi was undeniably the largest mountain gorilla family to ever be habituated. Uganda’s Gorilla Trekking Safari Tourists who were assigned to track this family group by then were surely fortunate enough to see a big percentage of the world’s only remaining population of the endangered mountain gorilla species.
However in July 2010 one of the disgruntled silver-backs in this family didn’t really enjoy living under the rule of another fellow silverback, and Mishaya was his name. He therefore rallied a number of females in a planned secession. Fortunately, Mishaya’s secession was successful. With ten (10) family members Mishaya formed his own family which was eventually named after him. Today Mishaya’s family has grown to 12 individuals who can be seen while on a Gorilla Safari and Tour to Bwindi.
Just two years later another silverback called Bweza decided to also form a family of his own. It started as a joke as some of the members thought he would return after a while, but this has lasted up to over two years now. The Bweza family now comprises of nine (9) family members.
Over the years the Nshongi family has reduced to 26 members, tightly competing with the Oruzogo mountain gorilla family of the Ruhija sector which has 25 members. The group, in its diversity, has in the past served its visitors with utmost hospitality and this is presumed to continue even for the visitors who intend to embark on Gorilla Safaris and Tours in Uganda.
Perhaps in the years to come Nshongi will cease being the largest of Bwindi’s habituated mountain gorilla family but they will surely continue to boast of a highly populated past and the presence of its own blood that will continue to flow in other mountain gorilla families like Mishaya and Bweza. Perhaps you could keep your fingers crossed for an opportunity to encounter the huge Nshongi Mountain Gorilla Family.
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wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd

The golden and shimmering mgahinga gorilla national park – Uganda safari news

mugahinga Located 510km far southwest of Kampala City (Uganda’s capital), in the district of Kisoro rests Uganda’s smallest but profoundly biome-diverse National Park. Mgahinga is one of two Uganda Gorilla Tours and Safaris destinations where tourists can physically say Jambo (hello) to the world’s remaining population of endangered Mountain Gorillas..
Its three (3) volcanic peaks of Sabinyo (3,669m), Gahinga (3,474m) and Muhavura (4,127m) link with five (5) other volcanoes which all together form the Virunga Conservation Area (VCA) shared among the countries of Uganda, Rwanda and Congo DR. Its varied altitudes give rise to different species of flora and fauna, some of which cannot be seen anywhere else in Uganda.
The park offers opportunities to birders to do what they love best, with a bird list ranging between 179 and 184 species including the Rwenzori Turaco and the White-starred Robin. Safaris and Tours to Uganda’s Mgahinga National park also present opportunities to meet a number of uncommonly seen species like the giant forest hogs, and the spikey South African Porcupines
But the park’s horn is sounded louder by its only habituated mountain gorilla family called Nyakagezi. Led by an alpha silverback called Mark, who personally loves to travel, Nyakagezi mountain gorilla family makes seasonal excursions to the neighboring countries of Congo DR and Rwanda. But fortunately, of recent, the family seems to enjoy their Ugandan home more and can therefore support successful Gorilla Trekking Safaris in Uganda. Its unsettled nature has forced the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) to sell gorilla permits for this mountain gorilla family at the national park.
Mountain Gorilla Trekking in Mgahinga National Park is a less tedious process if compared to its sister National Park Bwindi. Like in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, a maximum of eight (8) tourists is permitted to visit this gorilla family per day. And once the treasure hunt is done tourists can enjoy a full hour with the Nyakagezi family. The family’s two blackbacks (Rukundo and Ndungutse) often win the hearts of visitors with their high sense of humor and their photogenic nature. It has become their thing to pose for the camera.
Today the family has 10 members including an aging Bugiingo who is the father to most members of this mountain gorilla family including Mark and Marfia the other two silverbacks.
Embark on a Safari to trek Mountain Gorillas in Mgahinga National Park and you will win yourself an experience of a lifetime decorated in awesome views of true African montane forests sheltering an abundant number of mammalian and bird species; not forgetting the bonus of intermingling with the legendary Batwa community; one of the world’s few remaining highly disregarded and marginalized groups of people. With the Park’s “gold and silver”, you will depart highly illuminated; nice and shiny. Welcome to Mgahinga!
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wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd

Friday, 26 June 2015

National geographic excited about the increase in elephant population in Uganda – Uganda safari news

elephants The African elephant (Loxondota Africana) is noted to be among the big five of land animals along with the lions, buffaloes, Rhinos and leopards that are always sought after by world travelers including those that undertake safaris to Uganda. Unfortunately for the recent years, the population of elephants has been reducing gradually in various parts of the world especially Africa which has been attributed to increasing Ivory trade.
However, it was a surprising issue internationally when it was revealed that the elephants in Uganda made a 600 % increment rising to more than 5,000 individuals amidst some challenges. Regardless of the wide spread elephant population decline on the continent of Africa, Uganda has maintained a rising population. During 1980s, the elephants were noted to be around 700 and 800 thus the current numbers at 5,000 is an indication that the trends for the elephant population is healthy. This is a positive indicator for the continuity of Uganda safaris and tours.
The Wildlife Conservation Society conducted a survey in May named the Great Elephant Census along with the Uganda Wildlife Authority; the body that is charged with management of wildlife including those that exists in Uganda safari parks. The report compiled by this body indicated better protection in Uganda’s count of ten (10) National Parks
However, Uganda still faces pressure from poaching most especially Queen Elizabeth National Park which apparently 2,913 elephants as the country continue to act as a transit for international smugglers taking the advantage of the local corruption in the country.
In an Interview with Uganda’s Ambassador to the United States Oliver Wonekha about the ways that are recovering in the country, National Geographic was anxious to know what Uganda is doing differently from other countries to ensure that the elephant populations continue to increase.
The Ambassador noted that the wildlife crime is being taken seriously as tourism is now the biggest foreign exchange earner for the country as it generated substantive revenue from the travelers that take safaris to Uganda. The use of cameras in protected areas that were recently provided by Japanese government is recorded to be doing well. The government’s initiative to engage the communities and share with them the revenue generated from these tourists is also a substantive contribution to the rise of the wildlife counts including the elephants and the mountain gorillas that are normally encountered on gorilla trekking safaris in Uganda.
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Prime Uganda safaris & Tours Ltd

The kwita izina gone regional – Rwanda gorilla safari news

Kwita Izina-rwanda The Kwita Izina literally giving a name is an annual Rwandan ceremony that is set to give names to the babies of mountain gorillas that are usually visited by world travelers on gorilla trekking safaris in Rwanda. The function which has received international attention over the years but has been only featuring on the national calendar of Rwanda is now going regional and being featured on the regional tourism calendar.
The Northern Integration Corridor of which Rwanda is among has worked on a range of projects including those in the tourism sector. As a result the countries have gone ahead to identify their flagship events that would be dedicated for individual country marketing in the region. Rwanda maintained its Kwita Izina Ceremony considering how it has positioned herself to the world travelers as the gorilla destination something that has promoted the travelers plan gorilla safaris to Rwanda. Uganda chose the Uganda Martyrs event considering its uniqueness while Kenya went for the Kenya magical expo.
This indicates that the Kwita Izina ceremony is no longer a concern of Rwanda alone but also regional partners including Uganda. The 2015 Kwita Izina Ceremony will be conducted on September 5th at Kinigi which is the headquarters for the Volcanoes National Park that is always encountered in Rwanda gorilla safaris and tours.
Running under the theme, Conserving now and for the future, the event can be seen as a dedicated move towards gorilla conservation. During the event, 24 gorilla babies will be celebrated and as thus will be named. The community efforts towards conservation will be acknowledged.
As a result of the event going regional, various operators are putting it to the market as one of their products that they can sell in the region and the outside world. The event is seen as ideal opportunity for networking and as a Rwanda safari product in its self.
The range of other activities will be incorporated in the event including the Inka Z’URwanda, a cultural ceremony that focused on the significance of cows in the Rwanda a tradition and their significance on the social well being of the Rwandese. The Inka Z’Urwanda will be commemorated in the Eastern Province.
Other activities to be featured include the Conservation Forum, a business exhibition, photo exhibition, regional business to business forum, a familiarization trip along with the launch of the Community Igitaramo and the Community project. The Kwita Izina awards will also be given out in commemoration of the efforts of local conservationists’ contribution to the conservation of wildlife in Rwanda which has in turn ensured the flourishing of safaris in Rwanda.
Rwanda is expected to carry out Mountain gorilla census under the Trans boundary elaboration arrangement. This will give the exact figure of mountain gorillas that exist in Rwanda. It is estimated that between 2003 and the year 2010, the mountain gorilla population rose by 26.3%. The current statistics give the mountain gorilla populations at 880 living in the four national parks of which two are in Uganda namely; Bwindi and Mgahinga and others namely; Volcanoes and Virunga National Parks are in Rwanda and Congo respectively. These species are listed as critically endangered under the IUCN red list and as thus such efforts like the Kwita Izina Ceremony can be seen as a positive step to their increased counts.
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Prime Uganda safaris & Tours Ltd

Wildlife translocation and re-stocking; a common phenomenon in Rwanda’s conservation story – Uganda safari news

black rhinos  The aspect of conservation is one of the notable words in the contemporary times with a cross section of the people in the world increasingly getting concerned about the plight of wildlife and their habitats including those usually encountered on Rwanda safaris and tours.
Positioned in the Central African Plateau, Rwanda is indeed a tiny country stretching to 26,338 km2 which is almost equal to the size of Maryland with the highest population density in the Sub Saharan Africa where by 253 people exist per Kilometer. This population level can hardly let the wildlife thrive to the maximum in Rwanda.
Commonly known as the land of a thousand hills, Rwanda was among those that delayed to realize the significance of conservation and partly because of the instability that had characterized the country right from the 1959 Civil war up to the 1994 horrific genocide. This situation left great counts of wildlife in considerable suffering and some of them could not hold to it anymore and as thus faced extinction. This was a big blow to the Rwanda safari base.
The idea of animal trans-location and re-stocking came up even before the turmoil had kicked off. In 1958 and 1959, the black Rhinos were introduced to Akagera National Park from the neighboring Tanzania though they later faced extinction too. Elephants had disappeared from the park by 1961 and the initiative to restock elephants came in 1975 a range of 26 young elephants were re-introduced into the park from Bugesera as the population there was soaring thus threatening their continued existence. It is these elephants that have increased up to 90 members as of now attracting a range of world travelers to undertake wildlife safaris to Rwanda.
The Akagera National Park which is the only savannah protected area in the country was also a home for the lions before they faced extermination as a result of poisoning by the herd’s men in a bid to protect their cattle. The efforts to re-stock these species have been on going. The Giraffes are other notable species that have benefited from his kind of arrangement. Though Rwanda initially had no record of Giraffes, the Masaai Giraffes were introduced to Akagera National Park in the year 1986 from Kenya. This is also a unique feature as it the tallest earth mammal that impresses the travelers on safaris in Rwanda.
With this picture it can be noted that Rwanda has greatly benefited from the trans-location and re-stocking of wildlife and therefore is by no means a new thing in her conservation story.
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wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd

The Nkuringo mountain gorilla family of bwindi impenetrable national park – Uganda gorilla safari news

what do want from me   Up high in the thick forests of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park lives a mountain gorilla family called Nkuringo. Nkuringo is a Kiga word meaning round hill, perhaps the very same picture you would get when flying over this sector of the park.
Like eleven (11) other mountain gorilla groups in Bwindi Impenetrable National park, Nkuringo was habituated and has been receiving a great number of visitors on Gorilla Trekking Safaris since 2004 and I kid you not, none of them will live to ever forget the experience.
This family’s story is not any different from that of our regular human families, and it is such similarities that leave people in awe of how not different in personality mountain gorillas are from us.
At the time of its habituation, Nkuringo had an alpha silverback called Nkuringo; an elderly silverback who had his family at heart. Visitors who made Safaris to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park between 2004 and 2008 were able to meet the legendary Nkuringo silverback.
It is no longer news for Kings to rise and fall; and this was not different for the mighty Nkuringo silverback. But fortunately before he passed on in April 2008, he had spent time grooming Safari his son who he intended to follow in his footsteps.
By the time of his father’s death, Safari had learnt a lot from his father’s achievements and blunders and was well equipped to steer the family into the future, especially at a time when the family needed a comforter after the tragic loss.
Many of Nkuringo’s characteristics continue to appear in his younger form, the talented Safari who has seen more light than darkness in the few years of his reign. I think it would be nice if we took off time to encourage Safari while on our Gorilla Trekking Safaris to Bwindi and to just wish him the best throughout his regime.
There are nineteen (19) family members that can be seen on a Uganda Gorilla Safari today in King Safari’s family and these include three (3) other silverbacks, Rafiki (a Swahili word for friend), Bahati and Kirungi. Surprisingly just seven (7) months after Nkuringo’s death, the family welcomed “abaloongo” (the Luganda word twins) by Nalongo Kwitonda and they were named Katungi and Muhoozi. Unfortunately Katungi lost a battle to illness and failed to celebrate his second birthday.
This family of nineteen is open to Safari visitors participating in tracking Bwindi’s Gorillas along the Nkuringo trailhead. Though a steep and tedious hike the exhilarating feeling of seeing this populated family is like a prize which makes you forget all the struggles that you have had to go through along the way. “Enjoy your Safari to Safari’s Mountain Gorilla Family.”
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Prime Uganda safaris & Tours Ltd

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Indian tourists and investors wooed to visit Rwanda – Rwanda safari news

mountain - uganda The destination Rwanda is one of the prominent tourist centers in the region considering her diversity of attractions ranging from the critically endangered mountain gorillas that form the interest for gorilla trekking safaris in Rwanda to remarkable culture, wildlife in Akagera and Nyungwe with its thirteen primate species among other features.
Of recent, Rwanda hosted a seminar in India under the arrangement of Rwanda Development Board and the Rwanda’s High Commission in India attracting a count of ninety (90) travel agents in and a range of potential investors from the country’s capital Delhi and the neighboring areas to enable them gain an insight of what Rwanda has got to offer to those theta undertake safaris in Rwanda
The Rwanda’s economic transformation in the last decade was brought to light indicating the country’s position as one of the fastest growing economies on the continent of Africa with safe political atmosphere, policies that are friendly to the investors and no room for corruption. Kabakeza went ahead to highlight the Rwanda’s interest in tapping the tourism market of India and invigorate the Indians to plan safaris to Rwanda.
The second counselor at Rwanda’s High Commission in India Mucyo Rutishisha noted a range of Rwanda safari products that can be of interest to the Indian travellers including hiking, cultural tours, the Rwanda gorilla safaris, sightseeing, bird watching among other products
Rwanda is known to among the three countries in the world that have got mountain gorilla populations. Its north western park of Volcanoes has up to ten (10) gorilla families that are habituated thus ready for trekking. Hiking the slopes of the Volcanoes traversing the dense vegetation in search of these great Apes and the eventual direct session with them combine to generate remarkable Rwanda safari memory.
The country’s capital Kigali is worldly re-known for its cleanliness and a great deal of hospitable people and rich historical museums that make their visit worth it. The Gisozi genocide Museum and the Rwanda National Institute of Museums in Butare combine to bring out the Rwanda’s past in detail.
It can be noted that the Indians came in second position in terms of people that visited Rwanda in the year 2014. The Sales Manager of Kenyan Airways Roheena Gidwani who was also in attendance noted that the carrier will be committed to offering competitive flight fares between Kigali and Delhi. The networking session came to an end with a remarkable traditional Kinyarwada performance that left the Indian Agents in a state of bewilderment and thus with the urge to undertake a safari in Rwanda to explore this remarkable country.
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Prime Uganda safaris & Tours Ltd

Mountain Climbing Experience in Uganda-Uganda Safari News

rwenzori mountainUganda gifted by nature is endowed with world-class charming mountains, each being so different from the other and therefore offering visitors on Mountain climbing safari to Uganda unique thrilling physical as well as sensual experience that forever stays vivid and cherished in the heart and mind of the hikers. The main climbing destinations in Uganda include Mountain Rwenzori dubbed the Mountain of the Moon, Mount Elgon and Virunga Volcanoes.
Mount Rwenzori, the mythical Mountains, written by Ptolemy is among the outstanding safe paradise for hikers on Uganda Safaris. Located just a few meters from the Equator, the mountain contains ice on its highest peak or summit. If you’re looking for mountaineering destination in Africa, then the (5,119m) high, snow occupied or covered Rwenzori Mountain, which is protected and conserved as Rwenzori Mountain national park and designated as World Heritage site is your perfect destination for an ultimate mountain climbing experience in Uganda.
The mist-enclosed peaks offer marvelous backdrops to this charming mountain. Ever since the Rwenzori became popular to the world, its distinctive attributes have been going through enormous changes. Currently, the most probably being seen along the hiking trails involve the fragile unique vegetation.
Mountain climbing experience in Uganda is not only limited alone to Mountain Rwenzori but hikers on Uganda safaris can also do it at the most popular Mount Elgon National park, which bestrides the Uganda-Kenya border in Eastern Uganda. The park frontiers consist of 1147 square kilometers of mountainous land. The largest part of this area is occupied with normal afro-montane vegetation, uttered with giant groundsels and bamboo forest. It is important to note that various hikers on safaris to Uganda find Mt. Elgon an exhilarating alternative to some of the thrilling Mountain climbs in East Africa and Africa at large. Climbing to the peak of the Mountain Elgon requires no special equipment or technical Mountain climbing experience. Hence visitors who are non-experts and even those who are experts can all reach or access the summit of the mountain in period of only three days, but spending more days on Uganda Safaris to Mountain Elgon will permit or allow you to explore all the unique wonders housed in the Mountain.
Virunga Volcanoes located in south-western Uganda is also unforgettable safe climbing destination in Uganda. Formed by tectonic process that occurred some millions years ago, Virunga Volcanoes are cold, wet and jagged with a wilderness of nice looking afro-montane vegetation with fascinating plants like giant Lobelia and Groundsel that attract the botany lover. In total, there are eight (8) stunning Virunga volcanoes distributed or shared between three neighboring countries namely Uganda-the Pearl of Africa, Rwanda-the land of thousand hills and Congo. These Virunga Mountains are climbable by any visitor interested in memorable climbing experience in Uganda, for instance Mt Sabinyo (3669m), Mt Muhavura (4127m) and Mgahinga (3474m) all these are found in Mgahinga Gorilla Park and climbing them can be incorporated with memorable gorilla trekking in Uganda’s smallest national park. The Hiking opportunity in the Virungas also provides a golden chance for one to encounter some of the estimated 100 bird species housed in Mgahinga Gorilla Park. However, two mountains over shadow them and provide an exclusive mountain climbing opportunity to visitors on climbing safaris in Uganda- the Rwenzori Mountain and Mt Elgon, and in addition to this, they offer an additional sightseeing.
The mountains in Uganda are charming littered with cliffs, caves, gorges as well as waterfalls and their upper slopes are draped in tropical montane forest, while above these wide tract, alpine moorland stenches over the calderas. The views or sights from the higher plains are among the most picturesque in Uganda.
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Would you wrestle with the love of your life; the karamojongs – Uganda safari news

karamonjong-uganda Love is one word that carries a lot of weight and meaning whenever it is used. People do incredibly unimaginable things for love, many of which are awesome, while some people just choose to do weirdly insane things, all in the name of LOVE. This is a strong mutual feeling that has for many preceding ages attracted even completely incompatible men and women together.
Love is believed to originate from the heart but for some groups of people, love must originate from the muscles. Your Tour and Safari to northeastern Uganda will take you to a group of people called the Karamojong/Karimojong who believe that the origin of love ought to be in a man’s ability to fight for and defend the love of his life.
From the phrase "ekar ngimojong", meaning "the old men can walk no more", the Karimojongs get their name and have their home in Karamoja, a land which can be driven through during a Uganda Safari and Tour to the isolated Kidepo Valley National Park. Dating in Karamoja is a very interesting story.
In order for a man to take a girl as his bride, he will obviously have to pay bride price for her as in most African societies. But a prerequisite of the wedding ceremony in Karamoja is an astonishing sweat-draining wrestle between the aspiring husband and the girl that caught his eye. The wrestle is used to experiment whether the man (the ideal head of the family in Karamoja) will be able to defend and protect his wife, should he be given the opportunity to marry her.
As was done in the past, today “the wrestlers” still tussle from side to side grabbing the opponent’s legs and waist in a bid to throw him/her to the dusty thirsty ground of Karomaja. It does not matter how long this battle takes, but what matters is who comes out victorious.
It is so unfortunate for the man to lose this fight, because he will not only lose the girl, but he will be regarded as a weakling in the community. He is not even fit to bear the title of a man and cannot marry any other girl from the Karamoja region. The only remedy for his misery is to embark on a safari to another region where he can find a wife minus facing the test of strength. Men from other communities are allowed to marry within the Karamojong families on condition that they also win this wrestle.
Love is perhaps the most widely spoken language in the world today. The Baganda in Uganda say “Nkwagala”, the French say “Je t’aime”, the English say “I love you”, the Chinese say “我愛你”, and the Germans “Sayich liebe dich“, all meaning the same thing. Perhaps this Karamoja Safari in Uganda inspires us to stand bold for the love that we claim to have for others, and to be be able to fight to protect the people we treasure.
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Trekking the umubano gorilla family in Rwanda – Rwanda gorilla safari news

amahoro  The Volcanoes National Park in the north west of Rwanda is teaming up with the least populations of the world’s critically endangered mountain gorillas that are always encountered on gorilla trekking safari in Rwanda presenting an ideal habitat for them and thus giving them a hope of their continued existence.
The counts of ten (10) gorilla families are found in the mentioned park and these are habituated for the human encounter in particular those on gorilla safari in Rwanda. One of these gorilla families is Umubano which literally translates to neighborliness.
The Umubano gorilla family boasts of eleven (11) members including one (1) silverback, one (1) sub adult male, three (3) adult females along with six (6) babies which combine to make the encounter with them while on a gorilla safari in Rwanda memorable.
The Umubano Gorilla family was part of the Amahoro gorilla group before breaking up due to instabilities between Ubumwe and Charles Silverbacks. When Charles grew up to the similar silverback stature as Ubumwe, he was tired of living by the orders of the later and as thus decided to stage a fight challenging Ubumwe. The fight occurred for days and eventually Charles managed to secure a few females and started his own group. From that occasion, the Ubumwe also recognized it and despite the various points of meet, these two Silverbacks can hardly fight. The meeting of these two families can luckily be encountered while on Rwanda gorilla safaris and tours.
Trekking the Umubano gorilla family requires nothing other than the gorilla trekking permit for Rwanda and the willingness to hike the volcanic slopes in search of the great Apes. The allocation of gorilla family is done at the briefing point thus one can point out that he / she requests to track the Umubano and depending the rangers discretion, it can accorded respectively. This is always offered to ensure that travelers on gorilla safaris to Rwanda leave when all their desires are satisfied.
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wildgorillasafaris & Tours Ltd

Chilling with mubare: bwindi’s oldest habituated mountain gorilla family – Uganda gorilla safari news

ruhodeza -bwindi  Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is one of Uganda’s most booked Safari and Tours destinations. The park’s habitats conveniently craft apposite shelters for closely half the world’s Mountain gorilla population, a record 400 individuals. This population includes both the wild and twelve (12) habituated mountain gorilla families. Apparently, only eleven (11) mountain gorilla families are open to Uganda Gorilla tracking safaris and the remnant family is set-aside for research alone.
Today we will “chill” with Bwindi’s oldest habituated Mountain Gorilla Family called Mubare. Mubare gets its name from the nearby Mubare hills, and this group has been receiving visitors since October 1993. The group has surely seen a lot through the years; a lot more than any other habituated mountain gorilla family has. With no doubt, the Mubare mountain gorilla family has cordially welcomed visitors into their home for over two (2) decades now.
Today only eight (8) individuals can be found in this family when tracking mountain gorillas in the Buhoma sector of the great Bwindi Impenetrable National park; a number that has greatly lessened from the 18 family members that were seen by the first tourists in late 1993. Some family members have died of old age whereas some are in the other sectors of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.
Over the years, Mubare mountain gorilla family has seen more than one (1) regime of alpha silver-backs, but this group is more famous for their passionate alpha silver-back the Late Ruhondeza who died some years after his fiftieth birthday (50). Ruhondeza held the family’s banner for a great number of years until an awfully fateful event befell in March 2012 when his family was attacked by a group of wild mountain gorillas.
As the family head, Ruhondeza tried so hard to fight them off but in vain. Many of his relatives were taken as captives leaving a mere five (5) individuals in Mubare. The loss of family members broke Ruhondeza’s heart forcing him to sorrowfully flee into the woods where he died three months later.
Some believe that it was this heavy heart that caused his death, while other witnesses want to believe that he just died peacefully in his sleep. We will not argue deep into that but focus on one of the highlights of the gorilla safari in Bwindi which involves paying tribute to this fallen hero at his tombstone. Ruhondeza’s 50 plus years are survived by Kanyonyi, the family’s current hardworking alpha silverback. Kanyonyi’s efforts have surely paid off, principally evidenced by the increase in family members from a mere five members in 2012, to the eight individuals that can be seen by tourists on gorilla safaris in Uganda today.
There is a lot more to the Mubare mountain gorilla story for you to discover when you tour Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. I kindly beg that you share with me the other interesting truths that you will find out about this historic mountain gorilla family during your Safari.
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wildgorillasafaris & Tours Ltd

Mountain Gorillas in Africa-Uganda Safari News

gorillas & uganda Mountain gorillas are among the most unique  wildlife species in the world with only an estimated total number of 880 Mountain Gorillas exist. Mountain gorillas belong to the ape family and are described as being bulkiest in colour. A gorilla adult normally grows up to 1.8m high and they are scientifically identified as Gorilla Beringei beringei. These were discovered in 1903 and named after a German officer Oscar Von Berenge who enabled its classification. The world endangered Mountain Gorillas can be confronted on a gorilla trekking safari through the dense/ green tropical rain forest of Africa and the only main options or opportunities left in the whole world for a memorable gorilla trekking safari is by taking Uganda gorilla trekking Safari, a Rwanda Gorilla Safari or Congo Gorilla safari tour.
Mountain gorillas are mostly social and live in groups or families mainly composed of twelve (12) animals consisting of more or one dominant silverback males, female gorillas as well as some younger black back males and infants gorillas. The dominant Male gorillas are called Silverbacks because of the whitish colour that they poses on their backs caused by a thinning as well as graying of their coats when they are Mature/ grown up.
Mountain Gorillas communicate in different ways and among the many include calls like humans do, facial expressions and physical gestures. Adult males called silver backs mainly use barks and roars during encounters or when coordinating the movement of the group or family to a different new area. Gorillas also communicate friendly with grunts of happiness as part of group joining, especially when they find food and feed. This makes gorilla trekking safaris experience of its own because it gives an opportunity to the traveler to study other human brothers living the forest jungle.
Mountain Gorillas mainly feed on vegetables and leaves in their natural forested montane habitat which they easily pick and stuff into their mouths without any hassle. They have distended bellies and hence they feed a lot especially when standing on the ground with access to very short trees and those with overhanging branches.
Female Mountain Gorillas have on average about five (5) live births in a lifetime but have only one offspring at a time. The baby Mountain gorilla from the time it’s birth until it’s three month old, spends most of its young hood stage with the mother who is very caring, protective of it that she carries or keeps it held to her chest for almost three months, then right from three to six months the baby will able to occasionally ride on the mother’s back, with more liberty granted as the baby grows progressively older.
Gorilla life is more peaceful in comparison to that of other primate species i.e. chimpanzees. Mountain gorillas spend most of their time looking for food (leaves, vegetables), lounging lazily around among other activities.
Mountain Gorillas are not easily seen by humans mainly because human presence /existence highly irritate them and they mainly tend to melt into the undergrowth when encountered by human .This is one of the reasons as to why specific number of trekkers on Gorilla trekking safaris to Uganda or Rwanda (usually 8) are allowed to trek one habituated Gorilla group. The one way mountain gorillas are made used to Humans is habituation process, mountain gorillas are made used to human presence and they can be confronted as well as viewed at closer distance of 7 or 8 meters. The habituation process mainly takes at least two years and requires over this period of time, the trekker visiting a group or family of Mountain gorillas daily till the time when they become used to people. Then afterwards, they are opened to be visited by visitors on Gorilla trekking safaris.
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wild gorilla Safari News

Monday, 22 June 2015

Trekking gorillas in buhoma sector bwindi impenetrable national park – Uganda safari news

uganda-gorilla-safarisBwindi Impenetrable National park in the south west of Uganda is a home to 400 out of 880 mountain gorillas that are currently thriving in the wild presenting a rich  ground from gorilla trekking safaris in Uganda.
The park has four gorilla trekking regions namely the northern sector Buhoma, the eastern sector Ruhija, the southern sector Rushaga and the south western sector of Nkuringo which have got habituated gorilla families that have always been encountered by travellers on gorilla safaris in Uganda.
The Buhoma sector is re-known as the pioneer of the gorilla trekking activity in Bwindi and Uganda in general. The sector was the first to host the first group of gorilla trekkers when Mubare gorilla family was opened for tracking in the year 1993. The subsequent habituation of Rushegura and Habinyanja gorilla families made Buhoma a strong ground for Uganda gorilla safaris.
Connecting to Buhoma is noted to easier than the other trekking regions of the south. The drive takes you through the Ntungamo and Rukungiri before connecting to Butogota and eventually Buhoma. The doctor also has remarkable accommodation units that are hardly found in other sectors of the park. The accommodation range from the top notch Gorilla Forest Camp, the luxury Buhoma lodge; Mid-range Silverback lodge and the Budget Buhoma Community Rest Camp. The combination of these makes Buhoma an ideal gorilla trekking safari in Uganda.
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wild gorilla safaris & Tours Ltd