Deep inside Queen Elizabeth National Park i
a diversely compacted pocket called the “Valley of The Apes” because of
the choruses of hundreds of Chimpanzees that reside in this forested
The Kyambura Gorge stretches for just one (1) kilometer but pulls-in a great depth of wildlife for tourists to see including both fauna and flora species. Its flora diversity makes it one of the most sacredly diverse botanical locations in the entirety of Queen Elizabeth. Plant species, flowers and ferns blossom from the few rays of sun that penetrate the thick forest canopy.
This dewy valley is drenched by the clear waters of the Kyambura River which also feeds the plants and trees with water and mineral nutrients, enabling them to put on a think healthy-green color even during times of light showers in the other parts of Queen Elizabeth. Surprisingly these plants luxuriantly thrive even at a level below sea level.
This forested environment of the Kyambura gorge is the perfect hideout for man’s closest cousins, the chimpanzees. The chimps can’t imagine living in the other hotter parts of the park when the weather in the Kyambura Valley is nice and cool all year round.
Once you are inside the forest, you forget about the crazy world outside; you are finely hidden in a remarkable place. You will hear the chimpanzees gossiping amongst themselves about your entry into their territory while several other species of primates will clap and scream as they play around in the branches high above. If you stand still and keenly listen, you can also enjoy the harmonic songs of birds remixed by the panning screeches of crickets.
Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has habituated some of the chimpanzees to human visits, so tourists may be fortunate enough to take a close-up photo of some incredible apes chilling on some of the dead wood that lies the valley’s floor. The greater number of the chimps however prefer to demonstrate their tricks from the trees above.
At the entrance to the forest is an ideal picnicking place where tourists can enjoy a bush lunch while keeping their cameras close to them in a manner not to miss monkeys playfully chasing one another, or a colorful butterfly flapping past their location.
This unimaginable stretch of forest forms an ideal place to spend a few private moments while on a Safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park. “Welcome to the Valley of the Apes”.
The Kyambura Gorge stretches for just one (1) kilometer but pulls-in a great depth of wildlife for tourists to see including both fauna and flora species. Its flora diversity makes it one of the most sacredly diverse botanical locations in the entirety of Queen Elizabeth. Plant species, flowers and ferns blossom from the few rays of sun that penetrate the thick forest canopy.
This dewy valley is drenched by the clear waters of the Kyambura River which also feeds the plants and trees with water and mineral nutrients, enabling them to put on a think healthy-green color even during times of light showers in the other parts of Queen Elizabeth. Surprisingly these plants luxuriantly thrive even at a level below sea level.
This forested environment of the Kyambura gorge is the perfect hideout for man’s closest cousins, the chimpanzees. The chimps can’t imagine living in the other hotter parts of the park when the weather in the Kyambura Valley is nice and cool all year round.
Once you are inside the forest, you forget about the crazy world outside; you are finely hidden in a remarkable place. You will hear the chimpanzees gossiping amongst themselves about your entry into their territory while several other species of primates will clap and scream as they play around in the branches high above. If you stand still and keenly listen, you can also enjoy the harmonic songs of birds remixed by the panning screeches of crickets.
Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has habituated some of the chimpanzees to human visits, so tourists may be fortunate enough to take a close-up photo of some incredible apes chilling on some of the dead wood that lies the valley’s floor. The greater number of the chimps however prefer to demonstrate their tricks from the trees above.
At the entrance to the forest is an ideal picnicking place where tourists can enjoy a bush lunch while keeping their cameras close to them in a manner not to miss monkeys playfully chasing one another, or a colorful butterfly flapping past their location.
This unimaginable stretch of forest forms an ideal place to spend a few private moments while on a Safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park. “Welcome to the Valley of the Apes”.