Saturday, 31 May 2014

New Road promoting Tourism in Rwanda-Rwanda safari News

roadsRwanda has a lot of tourist attractions that tourists should not miss visiting while on their safaris in Rwanda. These have therefore been attracting Rwanda safaris as very many tourists have been attracted to come and safari the tourist sites. However the problem of roads network has been limiting the safaris to Rwanda hence limiting the development of Rwanda.
Rwanda has been privileged to say it out that the problem of roads network has been developed as a new road has been constructed. This connects to the new trail known as Congo Nile trail which is therefore going to attract many tourists to come and safari the area without any problem as they come to enjoy their safaris in Rwanda hence boosting the tourism sector of Rwanda.
The road does not only connect to the trail but to also different areas that tourist’s safari while on their Rwanda safari visits. This is therefore an achievement in the tourism sector of Rwanda which therefore going to make Rwanda a tourist destination and also enable Rwanda compete with other countries in the tourist sector hence more Rwanda safari tours.
The new road is also going to help promote easy transportation of the goods and services in Rwanda therefore boosting the trade in Rwanda which will help boost the economy of Rwanda as tourists will also invest in the sectors of the developed country while on their Rwanda safaris.
Rwanda safaris/Rwanda safari News

Friday, 30 May 2014

Dairy Project to Provide Employment Opportunities to People-Uganda safari News

dairyUganda has been looking for a scheme where they can generate a lot of incomes so as to develop the economy of Uganda and also attract many safaris to Uganda as a developed country. Here is a new diary known as Amos Diaries which deals in milk and the local people can decide to engage in the business so as to earn a living and develop them themselves.
The company will be a source of employment to many of the people of Uganda which is going to help fight poverty in the country therefore attracting many Uganda safaris. The company is going to be producing exports which is therefore going to increase the foreign exchange earnings of the country which is therefore a registered development hence increasing more investments in other sectors like tourism sector thus more safaris to Uganda.
 There are many products that are going to be produced and these will also be bought by the tourists on Uganda safaris thus raising revenues to the government of Uganda. The revenues will also help improve the infrastructures of Uganda like the roads, hotels, lodges, restaurants so as to provide better services to tourists while on their Uganda safaris tours. More investments will also be put in other projects therefore attracting tourists to come and invest in the economy of Uganda therefore leading to development.
Uganda safaris/Uganda safari News

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Urbanization is Rwanda’s option to fight Poverty-Rwanda safari News

Poverty is one of the problems that are affecting the development of Rwanda therefore limiting safaris to Rwanda as tourists to not want to safari
low developed countries. There must be quick resolutions to the problem to as to make Rwanda a better place to live in hence attracting more tourists to come and enjoy more Rwanda safaris.
Urbanization has been mentioned by the President of Rwanda Paul Kagame which according to him can bring up development in Rwanda hence increasing safaris in Rwanda. This was said in New York event organized by UN’s Economic and Social Council and this event was organized to help Rwanda draw plans of how to develop the economy and attract tourists for Rwanda safari.
Urbanization was considered because many people live in cities and a few are left in the village which therefore means that it is the urban centers to be developed than those in villages so as tourists can come and invest in the developed sectors while on their Rwanda safaris. More businesses need to be put up so that the local people are employed and can earn a living which will help fight poverty in Rwanda hence making Rwanda a tourist destination therefore leading to more safaris to Rwanda.

Gorilla trekking safaris the best in Uganda and Rwanda-Uganda safari News

gorillaGorilla tracking among other activities is the best activity that tourists like carrying out while on their Uganda safaris and Rwanda safaris. This is so because tourists get a good time seeing different gorillas interact with others, feed, socialize, fight, build nests and do all their daily activities. Tourists enjoy this activity and they also take pictures of these interesting animals hence recommend all tourists not to miss out gorilla tracking while on their safaris in Uganda and Rwanda.
Gorilla trekking in Uganda is carried out in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. In Rwanda gorilla trekking is done in Volcanoes National Park. These parks provide you with different troops or groups of gorillas that are trekked as assigned. There are also different tracking experiences in different parks that tourists enjoy on their gorilla safaris in Uganda and Rwanda. A tourist can track in a different park and the following day tracks in the other therefore having a good and unique experience in Uganda and Rwanda safari tours.
Gorilla tracking in Uganda and Rwanda is so interesting because after the activity other activities are also done especially when the tracking ends early or even when the tourists are strong that after trekking they can do other activities. The other activities carried out include nature walks and cultural activities where tourists walk around the parks visiting different places and also interacting with the local people who demonstrate their traditional dances, farming skills, crafts and so many others. This is so interesting to the tourists on Uganda and Rwanda gorilla trekking safaris.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Power to be generated to different parts of Uganda-Uganda safari News

electriPower is more essential in the economy because most businesses in Uganda use power to carry out their activities like Tourism. Power should therefore be distributed to many parts of the country so as to increase the workout of the business sectors in Uganda hence increasing the number of safaris in Uganda.
Power before was not well distributed to the other sectors of Uganda therefore lowering the output of Uganda and tourism work as well. This has reduced the number of safaris to Uganda since the tour operators could not get in touch with the tourists. This could therefore lower the competition of Uganda among other countries in different sectors hence lowering the Economy of Uganda and reducing Uganda safaris.
Through the Bujagali Hydro Power dam power is going to be generated to different parts of Uganda and this is going to improve different business sectors in Uganda hence attracting more safaris to Uganda. This will improve the Economy of Uganda therefore making Uganda a better place to live in hence attracting more tourists to come and invest in the developing Economy while on Uganda safaris.
Prime Uganda safaris & Tours Ltd

Rwanda development in the coming years to boost Tourism-Rwanda safari News

tourRwanda's Tourism sector as the major foreign exchange earner which therefore needs to be developed hence attract more safaris in Rwanda. The sector will be improved as the economy also improves therefore the next foreign exchange earner that is coffee and tea need to be improved so as to have the better economy and raise more safaris to Rwanda as there will be development in Rwanda.
Agriculture is one of the sector that need to be developed in Rwanda so as to develop the economy and attract more Rwanda safaris as tourists always come to invest in the developing country. The process of constructing dams is therefore yet to be put in place so as farmers can be able to get water to practice farming and they are also given new farming skills. This has increased its output therefore increasing more exports and revenues to the country.
This has therefore contributed to the development of the economy as there are more foreign exchange earnings hence attracting more safaris to Rwanda. There is much more to invest in the tourism and agricultural sectors as they are the leading sector in Rwanda and have provided employment opportunities to the local people therefore making Rwanda a better place to live in hence attracting more Rwanda safaris.
 Rwanda should concentrate on the two sectors so as to make their economy the best and further boom in the coming years. This will therefore attract more tourists on Rwanda safari hence boosting the tourism sector through the revenues earned from the safaris in Rwanda hence boosting the economy of Rwanda.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Enjoy a 3 day safari in Uganda you will always remember-Uganda safari News

bwUganda is a fabulous country where one can be attracted to enjoy his safari  . A 3 day safari can always start from Entebbe Airport or Kampala and your guide from our tour company will drive you to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park the great park in Uganda which is 530km and it is about 6 to 8 hours to get to the park.
On your way to the park you will visit the Equator where you can have photos and also have your lunch. This will give you a simple briefing of the beauty of Uganda while on your safari in Uganda. The journey to the park will also give you the chance to see the cultural centers where you can buy different craft items and take to your family back in your country and this will also attract them to Uganda safaris.
On your second day you will have the most interesting activity in Uganda that tourists enjoy on a Uganda safari that is Gorilla tracking. This in Uganda is only done in Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks. This starts with briefing at 8:00am and then tracking starts. The tourists spend an hour with the gorillas as they are having photos with them, seeing how they associate, feed the young ones and many other things that they do.
You will also enjoy having interactions with the Batwa pygmies found in Bwindi. These will tell you how they live their lives, demonstrate their traditional dances, hunting and farming methods therefore discovering many things on your Uganda safari visit. The money given for this activity helps support the lives of the Batwa who lived in the forests before the Bwindi Impenetrable Park was established.
On your third day on a safari in Uganda you will have your way back to Kampala or Entebbe and you will stop at Igongo Cultural centre in Mbarara to have lunch as you also have more sights on the cultural items. The Mpambire Drum Makers also demonstrate to you how drums are made and used as you stop by. You will also visit the Cultural National Museum where many historical items are found and this will give you one of some of the history of Uganda on your Uganda safari.
That will mark the end of your safari in Uganda that you will enjoy and always yearn to come back and visit Uganda each and every time with your family as well so as they do not miss the beauty of Uganda.
Uganda safaris/Uganda safari News

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Uganda has to depend on its few Resources for development-Uganda safari News

rtUganda has got little resources but these are the ones to bring up development in the country so as to have more safaris in Uganda. Uganda should focus on how to utilize the few resources for development other than borrowing from the developed countries to be better. This will help Ugandans work hard and also stop over exploitation so as to make Uganda a better country hence attracting many Uganda safaris.
Uganda should be able to solve its own uncertainties through planning for them such as the Natural disasters, medical cares, inflation's and so many others. This will help Uganda manage its economy and funds without any borrowings hence leading to its development. This will therefore make Uganda a strong country therefore attracting many safaris to Uganda.
The development of Uganda will lead to more investments in the country as many investors inform of tourists will come for Uganda safari and invest in the developing country. This will also lead to Economic growth hence providing employment opportunities to the local people in Uganda. This will also make Uganda a better place to live in hence a tourist destination.
Uganda safaris/Uganda safari News

Development of Rwanda through Tourism Earnings-Rwanda safari News

gorillaTourism is the major sector in Rwanda and has enabled collection of much revenue hence leading to the development of the country therefore increasing more safaris to Rwanda. The major attracting activity in Rwanda is gorilla trekking which many tourists come to carry out because it is a rare activity but interesting therefore gorillas should be protected.
The revenues earned from the tourism sector have boosted the economic and social sectors of Rwanda hence providing room for more safaris in the developed Rwanda. The development of Rwanda has therefore led to an increase in the number of Rwanda safaris as tourists come to invest in the developed country so as to have more benefits. This has therefore made Rwanda a tourist destination hence more Rwanda safari.
Fortunately the revenue earned from the safaris in Rwanda is still invested in the tourism sector so as to boost tourism. The revenue is used to create more attractions in the National parks of Rwanda, the hotels and lodges are also boosted and more needs to the gorillas are given. This therefore helps get the best from tourism hence more Rwanda safaris.
The revenue is also used to create more employment opportunities so as the local people can be able to earn a living and live happily. The jobs not only from the tourism sector will therefore help boost the economy of Rwanda hence attracting many tourists to come for safari visits in Rwanda and make Rwanda a better place to live in hence a tourist destination.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Rwanda setting goals for developing its Economy-Rwanda safari News

trThe Rwanda Development Board is working so hard so as to have Rwanda as the best country with much development and a tourist destination so as to have more safaris to Rwanda. The board has therefore tried all means so as to generate employment opportunities in Rwanda so as to have more revenues which can help have more developments in the country hence more Rwanda safaris.
Rwanda is planning to develop its infrastructures so as to have more safaris in Rwanda. These include the roads which will be of very good importance to the tourists, the hotels and lodges are also going to be developed so as to have more comfortable sleeps to the tourists on their Rwanda safari. Many tourist sites are also put in plan to be developed so as to attract many safaris in Rwanda.
The country also has plans of putting up an International Airport where tourists can always fly to while coming for their Rwanda safaris. This will help them not to suffer a lot with the buses hence getting good journeys to different tourist sites. This will therefore help attract more safaris in Rwanda hence developing the economy of Rwanda and make Rwanda a tourist destination.
 Rwanda safaris/Rwanda safari News       

Monday, 19 May 2014

Culture to improve Tourism in Uganda-Uganda safari News

Culture is one of the unique sectors in Uganda that have attracted many tourists to come and safari Uganda. This is so because cultural in Uganda is so attractive and it shows a new and unique experience to tourists while on their safaris in Uganda. This has therefore attracted more tourists to come and see this unique experience.
Cultural exposes the craft items made from cultural things, the cultural wear of many Uganda tribes, the dances, songs and so many others that the tourists enjoy while on their Uganda safaris hence having a unique experience. This therefore helps to boost the tourism sector through the increasing safaris to Uganda as tourists come to benefit from the cultural activities.
The minister for Gender and Cultural Affairs has therefore encouraged the youth to also participate in the cultural affairs so as to get employment opportunities and be able to earn a living. This will increase cultural services and items in Uganda hence attracting more safaris in Uganda to see these the culture of Uganda which will therefore boost the tourism sector if Uganda hence making Uganda  as tourist destination.
Prime Uganda safaris & Tours Ltd

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Rwanda’s Cleanliness has developed its Tourism-Rwanda safari News

babyRwanda is a very nice country that it has attracted many safaris because of its beauty. Tourists always want to visit places that are clean so as they are sure that they have a good health. This therefore pushes them to Rwanda since Rwanda is ranked among the cleanest countries in the world hence having more Rwanda safaris.
The hotels of Rwanda are always clean therefore showing a setting a good example to the tourists and assuring them of good sanitation in the country hence no risk for diseases. This attracts them to have more safaris in Rwanda. Plastic bags are not accepted in Rwanda and this helps them keep the streets and all roads where tourists pass safe hence having the best journeys to tourist sites while on their Rwanda safari.
Rwanda has tourist attractions such as the Volcanoes National park with the rare mountain gorillas, Dian fossey where there are also some gorillas, Genocide Memorial Site, Lake Kivu, Akagera National Park, Museum and so many others. These have attracted many people to come and safari Rwanda hence boosting the tourism sector and the economy of Rwanda as well.
Rwanda safaris/Rwanda safari News