Monday, 26 May 2014

Rwanda development in the coming years to boost Tourism-Rwanda safari News

tourRwanda's Tourism sector as the major foreign exchange earner which therefore needs to be developed hence attract more safaris in Rwanda. The sector will be improved as the economy also improves therefore the next foreign exchange earner that is coffee and tea need to be improved so as to have the better economy and raise more safaris to Rwanda as there will be development in Rwanda.
Agriculture is one of the sector that need to be developed in Rwanda so as to develop the economy and attract more Rwanda safaris as tourists always come to invest in the developing country. The process of constructing dams is therefore yet to be put in place so as farmers can be able to get water to practice farming and they are also given new farming skills. This has increased its output therefore increasing more exports and revenues to the country.
This has therefore contributed to the development of the economy as there are more foreign exchange earnings hence attracting more safaris to Rwanda. There is much more to invest in the tourism and agricultural sectors as they are the leading sector in Rwanda and have provided employment opportunities to the local people therefore making Rwanda a better place to live in hence attracting more Rwanda safaris.
 Rwanda should concentrate on the two sectors so as to make their economy the best and further boom in the coming years. This will therefore attract more tourists on Rwanda safari hence boosting the tourism sector through the revenues earned from the safaris in Rwanda hence boosting the economy of Rwanda.

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