Saturday, 17 May 2014

Rwanda new Budget in support of Tourism-Rwanda safari News

tourismTourism in Rwanda is the major foreign exchange earner therefore contributes a lot to the development of Rwanda. The tourism sector therefore has to be considered and developed so as to have more safaris in Rwanda. The government contributions to the sector should therefore be increased so as to earn the best from tourism and also have more safaris to Rwanda.
Although the government has not been giving a lot of attention to the sector, today the National budget has supported the sector with a high percentage therefore giving room for more Rwanda safaris. The RDB chief operation officer Clare Akamanzi mentioned this as budget was to be read on Wednesday. This has therefore encouraged the tour operators to work hard for the best is expected from the tourism sector hence increasing Rwanda safari visits.
The tourist sites therefore have to be developed in Rwanda so as to make Rwanda a tourism destination. Through tourism the infrastructures of Rwanda also have to be developed. These include roads, hotels. Lodges, hospitals, restaurants and so many others so as to offer good services to the tourists while on their safaris in Rwanda. This will also help improve the economy of Rwanda hence providing employment opportunities to the local people and making Rwanda a better place to live in.
Rwanda safaris/Rwanda safari News

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